September 6, 2022 Regular Meeting

The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting September 6th, 2022, at the City Hall. Mayor Brad Hooey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All Council Members were present, except Member Fahey who was absent; Member Solberg was in attendance via speaker phone. City Attorney Jayme Tenneson, City Engineer Barry Glienke, City Auditor Amie, and Water Operator Kim Burkland were also in attendance. Sheriff Olson entered the meeting at 7:33pm.

The council and audience stood and said the pledge of allegiance.

Mayor Hooey called for additions to the agenda.

Member Mattern requested to add, Carrick House, Trees by School and electrical poles on the east side of town to the agenda.

Member Mattern made a motion to approve the August 1st, 2022, regular meeting minutes seconded by Member Nelson. Motion carried.



Attorney Tenneson stated the Home Run Court Abstract is still moving forward and notices should be served.

Auditor Vasichek stated the Hulstrand property has been flagged out to signify the lot sizes.

Engineer Glienke entered the meeting at 6:06pm.

Engineer Glienke presented the council with the two bids for the city hall north parking lot.

Strata - $133,580

Opp Construction - $159,701

Auditor Vasichek stated grant funds would be utilized from the water tower project to pay for this project. These funds need to be used by May 2023 or they will be forfeited.

Member Vasichek made a motion to accept the Strata bid of $133,580 for the City Hall north parking lot utilizing Rural Development grant funds, seconded by Member Nelson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.


Auditor Vasichek stated she received a quote of $1,680 for a new dumpster at the community center. Member Ferguson stated the dumpster would need to be picked up in Fargo or the delivery fee is $400.

Member Vasichek made a motion to purchase a new dumpster for the community center for $1,680 with the city picking it up, seconded by Member Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Auditor Vasichek stated the final budget for approval has not changed from the approved preliminary budget.

Member Matten made a motion to approve the 2023 final budget of $177,710, seconded by Member Nelson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey requested to table the tree maintenance plan for the city until next meeting.

Engineer Glienke provided an update on the potential change out of the 3rd pump at the lift station as discussed at the previous meeting. The estimate from Minnesota Pump Works is $118,025.75 for a 40HP submersible pump and installation.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the Minnesota Pump Works for $118,025.75 to replace the 3rd pump at the lift station, seconded by Member Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Member Nelson stated he would like the city to purchase a suitcase generator for the city pickup.

Member Mattern made a motion to provide $1,000 limit for a suitcase generator for the city pickup, seconded by Member Solberg. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Member Nelson stated he is aware there has been off season storage at the golf course cart storage buildings. Member Nelson stated he does not think this is something that should continue. Mayor Hooey agreed and stated no more storage is allowed at the golf course cart sheds in the winter months.

Attorney Tenneson provided a review of open meeting rules.

Member Nelson stated the city owns a drivable dump (city mustang) that is mostly used at the golf course, and it is in need of repair.  It was decided to get the piece of equipment repaired instead of purchasing a different one.

Auditor Vasichek stated there are 2 storefront improvement applications for review and approval. Auditor Vasichek stated the NCJDA has started a similar storefront improvement program for businesses to allow a $5,000 grant, however since Lakota has our own program with a maximum amount of $2,000, the NCJDA would instead provide $3,000 to a Lakota business.  Auditor Vasichek stated she would like the council to consider changing the maximum amount provided to be $2,500 and having the NCJDA grant at $2,500 making it more of a matched grant to the NCJDA’s program. Auditor Vasichek stated the amount the city allows per year for the program of $10,000 wouldn’t change. Auditor Vasichek reminded the source of funds is using sales tax funds and not property tax.

Member Solberg made a motion to change the storefront improvement program maximum amount to the applicant to $2,500, seconded by Member Vasichek. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor, except Member Mattern who opposed. Motion carried.

The council reviewed 2 storefront improvement project applications, 58344 Rentals for $1,840.62 and Aaker Funeral Home for $2,000.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve Aaker Funeral Home’s storefront improvement application for $2,000, seconded by Member Nelson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve 58344 Rentals storefront improvement application for $1,840.62, seconded by Member Nelson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Auditor Vasichek stated she had received a request from the golf club house manager to ask the council to waive the green fees for a Lakota school sports booster golf tournament that was recently held. Member Solberg stated he doesn’t feel the city should continue to waive any green fees received for the course since the fund is losing money each year. Member Mattern stated he has heard a lot of negative feedback from community members that the city waived the green fees for a different tournament. Member Nelson suggested waiving it this time, but to discontinue for next year.

Member Nelson made a motion to approve waiving the green fees for the Lakota Sports Booster tournament, seconded by Member Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Member Nelson stated he will try to get a clubhouse board member to come to the next meeting as the clubhouse board has some things they would also like to bring up to the council.

Member Nelson stated he contacted Ottertail Power to get their connection cost share policy and it is similar to what Lakota is already doing. It was decided to have Member Nelson get a sample policy in writing before the council approved it.

Member Mattern stated he thinks the city needs to get a new snowblower as the one we have is in tough shape. Member Mattern suggested having Supt. Ulland get prices by next meeting.

Mayor Hooey stated the city should order street salt soon to be ready for winter. Member Mattern suggested at least a semi load of mixed street salt to get through the winter.

Member Mattern made a motion to approve the purchase of up to 2 semi loads of mixed street salt for the winter, seconded by Member Vasichek. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Attorney Tenneson presented the council with an updated airport lease agreement for the new owners of Aron Anderson’s airport hangar. Attorney Tenneson stated he would recommend the council to approve the language in the document and the Airport Authority would review and approve the new applicant at their next meeting.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the language of the Airport Hangar Area Lease agreement, seconded by Member Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey stated he is concerned for the safety of minors driving ATV, UTV’s and dirt bikes to school. Mayor Hooey stated some of the drivers are not wearing proper protective gear or are licensed drivers. Attorney Tenneson suggested speaking with Sheriff Olson about enforcement of the laws.

Auditor Vasichek provided the council with a painting rebate application from John Dougherty for approval. Auditor Vasichek reminded the council the funds used for this program are from Sales Tax Economic Development funds.

Member Mattern made a motion to approve the painting rebate application from John Dougherty, seconded by Member Vasichek. All members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Auditor Vasichek provided the council with the MRES resolution appointing Lakota representatives to MRES.

Member Mattern made a motion to appoint Supt. Ulland as Lakota’s representative to MRES and Member Nelson as the alternate, seconded by Member Vasichek. All voting in favor, except Member Nelson who abstained.

Member Mattern questioned what is the plan for Kristie Carrick’s house which was recently badly damaged in a fire. Auditor Vasichek stated the house is on the list for tax foreclosure this fall and if the city were to obtain the property, she could contact Benson Excavating for demolition if the council approves.  Member Mattern stated he has received complaints from neighbors that the property owners had thrown junk and debris on the south side of this property. Mayor Hooey suggested offering the city truck for the owners to put the junk into and the city could haul it out. Attorney Tenneson stated he would write a letter to the property owner.

Member Mattern stated the berm trees by the catholic church and the school need to be trimmed or removed as they could cause damage to vehicles.

Member Mattern stated the majority of the electrical poles on the east end of town are rotten and need to be replaced. Member Mattern would like Supt. Ulland to get an estimate to replace the poles by next meeting. Auditor Vasichek stated the council had MRES conduct an evaluation of the electrical infrastructure a couple years ago that provided a priority list of repairs.  Auditor Vasichek stated MRES is also available to conduct some contract electrical work if the city would like to consider them as an option.


Supt. Ulland’s report was provided to the council.

Water Operator Burkland stated he would like to get a second opinion on what chemical is needed to treat the lagoon.

Water Operator Burkland stated Supt. Ulland provided information on purchasing a used street sweeper from Environmental Equipment and trading in the current one. Water Operator Burkland stated he felt the current sweeper was good for a couple years.

Sheriff Olson entered the meeting at 7:33pm.


Engineer Glienke stated the Hulstrand Property was marked out showing the lot sizes as requested.


Sheriff Olson stated his department had about 200 calls last month.

Mayor Hooey brought up his concern about minors driving ATVs without protective gear.  Sheriff Olson stated he has spoken to some drivers and tried to catch individuals in the act but will have to start issuing citations. Mayor Hooey suggested contacting the parents.


Member Vasichek stated the community center committee will be meeting next week.

Member Mattern questioned the status on Gen Strand sidewalk. Mayor Hooey stated it has been hard to get an estimate for the work. Member Vasichek suggested having Strata complete the work while they will be in town for the city hall project. Engineer Glienke or Mayor Hooey will contact Strata about the option when they are in town.


No report provided.


Mayor Hooey had nothing to add to his report.



Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.

Auditor Vasichek provided the council with a suggested electrical rate increase to help offset the proposed WAPA increase in 2023. Auditor Vasichek stated it will be on next month’s agenda for review.

Auditor Vasichek stated the NDLC annual conference is September 22-24 and is in Grand Forks this year if any members would like to attend.


The council reviewed the financial and utility reports provided.


Attorney Tenneson stated the final cruise night is scheduled for September 14th.


After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Mattern to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Vasichek seconded the motion. Motion carried, on roll call vote of 5-0.

Advanced Business Methods                             $          300.06

Apex Engineering                                             $        4,166.00

Aramark                                                          $             86.70

BCBS                                                               $        6,440.54

Border States                                                    $       20,733.91

Capital One Trad Credit                                    $           125.47

Cardmember Services                                       $           861.57

Cruz, Mahalia                                                  $           117.65

Dakota Implement                                            $           153.47

Dept of Environmental                                      $             90.00

EFTPS                                                              $         3,348.97

EFTPS                                                              $         2,760.49

Farmers Union Oil                                            $         4,746.45

GF Utility                                                         $             62.00

Hawkins                                                          $         1,958.44

Hoffman, Mariah                                              $              25.00

Interstate Billing                                               $            153.00

L&S Enterprises                                               $            180.00

Lakes Area Turf                                               $         6,743.04

Lakota American                                              $            614.56

Lakota Auto                                                     $            435.02

Lakota Hardware                                              $            870.46

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            310.00

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            472.88

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $          8,882.01

Lakota Sanitation Service                                 $          8,193.45

Langdon Fire Equipment                                   $             554.00

Mclean, Gary                                                   $               25.00

MRES                                                              $        35,111.40

NDPERS                                                          $         3,246.50

Nelson County Recorder                                   $               40.00

Nelson County Sheriff                                      $         2,318.40

Nelson Electrical                                              $         2,120.58

Neon Link                                                        $              62.00

Nodak                                                              $          1,319.41

ND E-Waste                                                     $          2,000.00

ND One Call                                                    $                18.20

ND Telephone                                                  $               61.02

North-Holt                                                       $           5,312.00

NXTEC USA                                                   $              362.81          

Polar                                                                $           4,837.48

Quill                                                                $              211.83

R&R Products                                                  $              189.84

Rysavy Plumbing                                             $              661.69

TEAM Lab                                                       $         1,089.00

Tronson Grain                                                  $            566.50

United Lab                                                       $              369.96

Verizon                                                            $             209.83

City Salaries                                                     $       17,130.73

City Salaries                                                     $       14,764.43

            TOTAL                                                            $     165,413.75

Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 3rd, 2022, at 6:00pm.

Member Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Vasichek.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.

            APPROVED BY:                                             SUBMITTED BY:



Brad Hooey, Mayor                                          Amie Vasichek, Auditor