December 5, 2022 Regular Meeting

The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting December 5th, 2022, at the City Hall. President Bill Solberg called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. All Council Members were present, except Member Mattern who was absent. Mayor Hooey and Member Nelson attended via speaker phone City Attorney Jayme Tenneson, City Engineer Barry Glienke, City Auditor Amie Vasichek and City Supt. Josh Ulland were also in attendance; Nathan Jutila, Mark Huso, Kevin Baumgarn, Nichole Bertsch and Don Holler were also in the audience.

President Solberg called for additions to the agenda. None provided.

Member Fahey made a motion to approve the November 7th, 2022, regular meeting minutes and the November 7th Planning & Zoning minutes seconded by Member Vasichek. Motion carried.

President Solberg recognized Mark Huso.

Mr. Huso stated he was in attendance to ask permission to store a basketball shooting machine at the community center for use if he personally purchased the equipment. Mr. Huso outlined rules and guidelines to follow when the equipment will be used. School Supt. Baumgarn thought it would be greatly appreciated if purchased.

Member Vasichek made a motion to allow storage space and access to the community center for a basketball shooting machine purchased by Mark Huso, seconded by Member Ferguson. All members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Mr. Huso left the meeting at 6:13pm.

President Solberg questioned the reason on why a recent train blocked two entrances into town for 48hours. Auditor Vasichek stated she contacted the BNSF Roadmaster about the situation during the event and it was stated they were having engine trouble. Member Vasichek stated this was not common and not associated with CHS loading cars so it should not be an ongoing issue.

President Solberg recognized Nichole Bertsch.

Ms. Bertsch stated she was a rep from Global Life Insurance and would like the opportunity to provide coverage for employees. It was requested for Ms. Bertsch to provided amounts for a policy on each employee for the council to review at the next meeting.

Attorney Tenneson entered the meeting at 6:20pm

President Solberg recognized Nathan Jutila.

Mr. Jutila stated he was present to find out the bidding results on the New Holland tractor.

President Solberg and Attorney Tenneson opened bids from Leading Edge Equipment and John Steffan.

Leading Edge Equipment - $90,000

John Steffan - $90,150

Member Vasichek made a motion to accept John Stefan’s bid of $90,150 for the 1750 bi-directional New Holland tractor with loader and Degelman blade with ownership of the equipment on May 1st, 2023, seconded by Member Fahey. All voting in favor. Motion carried.

President Solberg questioned Mr. Jutila on the John Deere tractor lease option. Mr. Jutila stated the lease would befor a 6R215 John Deere tractor from Leading Edge Equipment for 8 months, 250 hours at $22/hr.,

Member Fahey made a motion to accept a lease agreement for a John Deere tractor with Leading Edge Equipment for a 6R215 John Deere tractor from Leading Edge Equipment for 8 months, 250 hours at $22/hr., seconded by Member Ferguson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor except Member Vasichek who abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Jutila and Ms. Bertsch left the meeting at 6:33pm



Attorney Tenneson stated he is still working to resolve the Home Run Court property as time allows. It was suggested to remove this item from unfinished business.

President Solberg requested information on the Hulstrand Property development. Auditor Vasichek stated Mayor Hooey was wanting to get firm cost estimates for the infrastructure over the winter months.

Engineer Glienke stated he will follow up with Devils Lake Glass & Paint about measuring for the city hall back door.

Electrical Service Connection cost share policy was tabled until next meeting.

Supt. Ulland stated the third pump at the lift station is moving forward but is waiting on materials.

Auditor Vasichek stated a letter was served to Kristie Carrick to request her attendance at the council meeting to provide a plan for her house that was damaged in a fire last summer. Auditor Vasichek stated Sheriff Olson had a conversation with Ms. Carrick’s partner, Tony Harris, and he indicated they plan to tear down the house and sell the lot with the detached garage.

Member Ferguson stated more needs to be done with this property and suggested giving a deadline to demolish.

Member Vasichek made a motion to grant Attorney Tenneson permission to start the process to declare the house at 121 3rd St West a dangerous property, seconded by Member Ferguson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Member Vasichek made a motion to appoint Josh Ulland as the city’s building inspector, seconded by Member Ferguson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.



Member Fahey made a motion to approve James & Amie Vasichek’ s petition to vacate the streets and alleys in the Osborne Addition as specified in the petition, seconded by Member Ferguson. All voting in favor. Motion carried.

Auditor Vasichek reminded everyone that employee evaluations are due this month and will be reviewed at the January meeting.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the 2023 liquor licenses for DD’s Place, Dusty Roads and Sunlac Inn, seconded by Member Ferguson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.

Supt. Ulland provided a list of vehicles and equipment that have been parked on city streets for an extended period of time and are a potential issue during snow removal. Owners of vehicles are Troy Bullis, Pam Varnson and Matt Herda. Mayor Hooey stated letters need to be sent out immediately to the owners so they can be removed. Attorney Tenneson stated he and Supt. Ulland had each spoken with Angela Herda in regard to the RV parked on the street, but the RV still remains.

Attorney Tenneson provided the council with a copy of the letter that will be sent to each owner.



Supt. Ulland’s report was provided to the council.


Engineer Glienke stated he will have a pay estimate for the council on the city hall parking lot project and will be keeping retainage as there will be some additional work required from Strata.

Member Vasichek make a motion to approve Apex Engineering pay estimate for the city hall parking lot project, seconded by Member Ferguson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.



No additional report provided. Auditor Vasichek was instructed to invite the new sheriff of Nelson County to the next meeting.



Member Vasichek gave an update on the CC improvement fundraiser and the committee has been able to have approximately $170,000 so far in pledges.

Member Fahey asked if there is an update on replating the property to the north of Sunlac to make more appealing to buyers. Auditor Vasichek stated Mayor Hooey and Member Fahey were going to meet to come up with a suggested layout to provide the engineer for replating.


No report provided.


Mayor Hooey had no additional report.


Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.

Auditor Vasichek reminded everyone to visit the city of Kenmare when convenient so we can report our view to the Community Impressions program.

The council reviewed the financial and utility reports provided.


Attorney Tenneson stated he has received complaints about snowmobiles around town riding through people’s yards and some of the individuals are minors and the sheriff’s department will be speaking with them.


After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Fahey to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Vasichek seconded the motion. Motion carried, on roll call vote of 5-0.

Advanced Business Methods                             $          311.77

Agcom                                                             $            87.78

Aramark Uniform                                             $             43.35

BCBS                                                               $        6,440.54

Border States                                                    $           436.90

Cardmember Services                                       $         6,972.92

Deere Credit                                                     $         2,109.09

Dept of Environmental                                      $              45.00

EFTPS                                                              $         2,453.81

EFTPS                                                              $         2,147.24

Farmers Union Oil                                            $         1,368.92

Hawkins                                                          $         1,785.74

Lake Region Pest                                              $             435.00

Lakota American                                              $            606.22

Lakota Hardware                                              $              79.61

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            310.00

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            515.78

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $          6,866.40

Lakota Sanitation Service                                 $          8,006.19

Lakota Good Samaritan                                    $          2,500.00

Leading Edge Equipment                                  $         18,000.00

Mailfinance                                                      $             600.00

Mattern Trucking                                             $             854.00

Microcomm                                                     $             307.47

MRES                                                              $        36,171.78

ND Rural Water                                               $             440.00

Nelson County Recorder                                   $               80.00

Nelson County Sheriff                                      $         2,318.40

Neonlink                                                          $              35.20

Nodak                                                              $            579.69

ND One Call                                                    $                2.60

Polar                                                                $           1,265.37

Powerplan                                                        $              708.58

Quill                                                                $              212.24

Rod’s Autobody                                               $              803.53

Rough Rider Industries                                     $              121.50

Rysavy Plumbing                                             $           2,500.00

Schuh, Jesse                                                     $               28.09

Verizon                                                            $            567.30

City Salaries                                                     $       12,664.14

City Salaries                                                     $       11,563.64

            TOTAL                                                            $     157,235.78

Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023, at 6:00pm due to the holiday weekend.

Mayor Hooey made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Fahey.

Meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.

            APPROVED BY:                                             SUBMITTED BY:



Brad Hooey, Mayor                                          Amie Vasichek, Auditor