November 7, 2022 Regular Meeting


The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting November 7th, 2022, at the City Hall. Mayor Brad Hooey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All Council Members were present, except Member Fahey who was absent. City Attorney Jayme Tenneson, City Engineer Barry Glienke, City Auditor Amie Vasichek and City Supt. Josh Ulland were also in attendance; Nathan Olmsted & Dan Overmoe from Rural Water, Nathan Jutila from Leading Edge Equipment were also in the audience.

Mayor Hooey called for additions to the agenda.  Auditor Vasichek added Pledge of Securities. Member Mattern requested to add Utility Bills and traffic signs.

Member Mattern made a motion to approve the October 3rd, 2022, regular meeting minutes seconded by Member Vasichek. Motion carried.


Mayor Hooey questioned the status of the Home Run Court abstract.  Attorney Tenneson stated the Huwe property abstract has a certificate of judgement and needs to be signed.  Attorney Tenneson stated he will be working on the 2nd & 3rd properties with the same process.

Mayor Hooey stated Jim & Amie Vasichek have established a road on C Ave West between 8th & 9th St West to access their property.  Supt Ulland stated the city has reviewed the water and sewer access for the Vasichek property and feels the best connection would be to extend the line on C Ave West and utilize the gravity flow for the sewer.  Mayor Hooey stated he would like to visit with Benson and Witzel to get better estimates to extend water and sewer on C Ave West. 

Mayor Hooey stated with the new ADA access on the north side of city hall, he is concerned with the wind and snow coming in each time the door is used.  Mayor Hooey suggested adding a breezeway inside the council room to resolve the potential issue. Mayor Hooey stated he has spoken with Mark Ferry to install the ADA door.  Engineer Glienke stated someone from DL Glass and Paint was supposed to review the door and provide and estimate for it.  The council decided not to pursue a breezeway at this point.

Member Nelson went over the electrical service connection policy and that the city should mirror what Ottertail Power has in their policy.  Attorney Tenneson stated Ottertail Power’s policy is online for review.  Mayor Hooey stated the council will have the policy for review by the next meeting.

Supt. Ulland stated the 3rd pump at the lift station should be installed this month, but they are still waiting on the panel to be built.


Mayor Hooey recognized Nathan Olmsted.  Mr. Olmsted stated he reviewed the current water rates for Lakota’s utility system and his findings show the system could increase their meter rate by $5 overall. Member Solberg stated he would rather prefer a small increase on the meter rate and a small increase on the rate per 1,000 gallons used.

Mayor Hooey recognized Dan Overmoe.  Mr. Overmoe stated he reviewed the current sewer rates for Lakota’s utility system and his findings show the system is not in need of an increase at this time.  Mr. Overmoe stated the system would still be able to transfer approximately $16,000 annually into a reserve account.

Auditor Vasichek provided the council with MRES’s electrical rate study, and the overall increase shows 3.5%.

Member Solberg suggested increasing the water meter rate by $3 instead of the suggested $5 and increasing the usage rate by $.20/1,000 gallons used. The council had discussions on the requirements for an amount needed in the reserve account.

Member Mattern made a motion to increase the monthly water utility rate by $4/meter effective January 1st, 2023, seconded by Member Vasichek.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Member Nelson made a motion to approve an overall 3.5% increase on the monthly electricity rates effective January 1st, 2023, seconded by Member Mattern.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the variance request from Beau & Nikki Snyder on property at 409 E Ave East, seconded by Member Solberg.  All voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey stated he wanted the council to consider giving the utility customers a break on their December utility bill and suggested a deduction of $100 for every account.  Member Mattern stated he would like to see the entire December utility bill be waived for all accounts like they use to do in years past.  Attorney Tenneson stated he is unsure if it is legal to do but will review it. Member Solberg stated he likes the idea but didn’t think it would look great with the community when the council just voted to increase the utility rates. 

Mayor Hooey recognized Nathan Jutila.  Mr. Jutila was in attendance to provide a proposal for a John Deere tractor lease for the city in addition to trading in the New Holland tractor the city current has.  Mr. Jutila stated it would be an 8-month lease allowing 250hrs for $5,500/annually.  Mr. Jutila stated the proposed tractor is better suited for the needs of the city. 

Attorney Tenneson stated the city is required to call for bids on the tractor instead of trading in.

Supt. Ulland stated Leading Edge Equipment is offering $90,000 for the New Holland tractor and this would free up capital for the city to purchase a different street sweeper.

Mr. Overmoe left the meeting at 7:08pm.

There was discussion on when the city would need the tractor and if the new blower will work with the proposed tractor.  Mr. Jutila stated if the city were to move forward with the leased tractor it would need to be decided sooner rather than later in order to secure the order.

Member Solberg made a motion to put the sale of the New Holland tractor up for bids with a deadline of 3:30pm on December 5th, 2022; minimum bid of $89,900 and to specify the tractor would not be available until May 1, 2023, seconded by Member Ferguson.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor, except Member Vasichek who abstained.  Motion carried.

Member Mattern stated he has received complaints about the stop signs at C Ave West and 5th St West and he feels they should be just removed.  Mayor Hooey stated he didn’t see why stop signs were a problem and thought there should be more around town.  It was decided to leave the stop signs as is. 

Member Mattern stated he has received a request to put yield signs at 2nd St East and D Ave East.  Supt.  Ulland stated he will get signs ordered to do so.

Nathan Olmsted left the meeting at 7:50pm

Auditor Vasichek stated the Lakota Park Board are the recipients of the LWCF grant for $204,120 and the Garrison Diversion grant of $51,030 for the zero-entry swimming pool project.  Auditor Vasichek stated the Park Board has fundraised and had generous donations to help with matching funds for this project, however the Park Board would like to request $60,000 in Sales Tax Economic Development funds to fully fund this project.  Member Solberg questioned what the increased expense will be to operate this new pool.  Auditor Vasichek stated there will be increased electricity and water costs but could not give an estimate. 

Member Mattern suggested asking the NCJDA for some funding on the project.  Auditor Vasichek stated the next NCJDA meeting is scheduled for December 14th, and she will propose a $10,000 grant towards the project if the city council would fund $50,000.

Member Nelson made a motion to provide $50,000 in Sales Tax Economic Development funds for the Lakota Zero Entry pool project contingent on the funding request of $10,000 to the NCJDA, seconded by Member Solberg.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Auditor Vasichek thanked the council for the contribution and stated the Lakota Park Board has worked really hard to make this a successful project.  

Auditor Vasichek stated the owner of the property at 121 3rd St West has paid their property taxes in full and the property will no longer be in tax foreclosure.  Member Mattern stated a letter needs to go out immediately to clean up the property after the fire damage.  Attorney Tenneson will draft a letter and provide it to Auditor Vasichek to send out if the council would approve.

Member Matter made a motion to direct Attorney Tenneson to draft a letter to property owners at 121 3rd St West to clean up the property, seconded by Member Vasichek.  All voting in favor. Motion carried.

Mr. Jutila left the meeting at 7:53pm.

Auditor Vasichek provided the council with the Lakota Good Samaritan Society’s storefront improvement grant application for a new exterior sign with LED lighting.

Member Solberg made a motion to approve the Lakota Good Samaritan Society’s Storefront Improvement grant application of $2,500 for a new light up exterior sign, seconded by Member Nelson.  On a roll call vote, all members voting gin favor.  Motion carried.

Auditor Vasichek stated the Lakota Community Club would like to request exterior space on the north side of the community center to be able to place a storage building for their evet items.  Mayor Hooey did not see an issue with the request.

Member Nelson made a motion to approve an exterior spot at the community center for the Lakota Community Club to place a storage shed with the location approved by Supt. Ulland, seconded by Member Vasichek.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Member Mattern made a motion to approve the updated Pledge of Securities provided by the State Bank of Lakota, seconded by Member Nelson.  All voting in favor. Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey drew the attention to the petition to vacate streets and alleys in the Osborne Addition from James & Amie Vasichek.  Engineer Glienke stated the request allows for the city to retain utility easements.

Member Mattern made a motion to publish the petition to vacate streets and alleys in the Osborne Addition requested by James & Amie Vasichek, seconded by Member Nelson.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor, except Member Vasichek who abstained.  Motion carried.



Supt. Ulland’s report was provided to the council.

Supt. Ulland stated a group met after the MRES regional meeting to talk about the option of shared Journeyman Lineman. Supt. Ulland stated it will be an ongoing conversation, but the city of Hillsboro is really interested in pursuing it.


Engineer Glienke stated the bituminous has been poured for the city hall parking lot as of today.


No additional report provided.


Member Ferguson stated he spoke with Sheriff Olson in regard to youth driving UTV’s to school and around town and the Sheriff’s department has spoken to the high school and conducted a vision zero program with the students to raise awareness. Member Ferguson stated the Sheriff’s Department knows there are a few individuals still not following the law of UTV’s.

Member Mattern stated he could bring salt back on his next run with his semi-truck and he usually charges $3.50/mile. 

Supt. Ulland stated he was provided a limit of $3,000 to purchase the hoop barns for the salt/sand, but there are none coming in used.  He found new ones for $3,300 if the council would increase the limit.

Member Mattern made a motion to allow up to $3,500 to purchase new hoop barns to store the salt/sand for the city streets, seconded by Member Nelson.  All voting in favor.  Motion carried.


No report provided.


Mayor Hooey had no additional report.


Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.

Auditor Vasichek stated she spoke with Golf Groundskeeper Randy Karas, and he would like to improve the cups & flags for each hole estimating the expense of $250/hole for next year.

Auditor Vasichek stated Jim Burtness dropped off $150 for putting his boat in the storage shed at the golf course and she did explain to him the city is not allowing that anymore.  Auditor Vasichek stated Mr. Burtness had already placed the boat into the shed as he has a key.  Member Nelson stated he will speak to Mr. Burtness.

Auditor Vasichek reminded everyone to vote in the election tomorrow if they had not done so already through mail in ballots.

Auditor Vasichek reminded everyone to visit the city of Kenmare when convenient so we can report our view to the Community Impressions program.

The council reviewed the financial and utility reports provided.


No additional report provided.


After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Mattern to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Vasichek seconded the motion. Motion carried, on roll call vote of 5-0.

Advanced Business Methods                             $          485.94

Aflac                                                               $          254.04

Apex Engineering                                             $       3,842.00

Aramark Uniform                                             $             43.35

BCBS                                                               $        6,440.54

Border States                                                    $        3,674.34

Capitol One Trade Credit                                  $           267.08

Cardmember Services                                       $           599.03

CHS-Lakota                                                     $             72.58

Dakota Implement                                            $            606.64

Dept of Environmental                                      $              45.00

Don Dvorak Gravel                                          $         2,385.80

EFTPS                                                              $         2,385.86

EFTPS                                                              $         2,094.87

Fargo Country Club                                          $         2,000.00

Farmers Union Lumber                                     $            214.00

Farmers Union Oil                                            $         1,609.55

Farmers Union Oil-Langdon                             $            257.81

GF Utility                                                         $            127.00

Gowan Construction                                         $          1,186.61

Home of Economy                                           $             119.99

Job Service                                                      $             548.65

Krabbenhoft Auto                                             $              52.00

Lake Area Turf Services                                   $         8,605.00

Lakeside Lock & Key                                       $               50.86

Lakota American                                              $            432.98

Lakota Auto                                                     $              40.06

Lakota Feed                                                     $              34.99

Lakota Hardware                                              $          1,411.63

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            310.00

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            381.95

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $          3,680.35

Lakota Sanitation Service                                 $          8,206.88

Leon’s Building                                                $             336.80

McLean, Gary                                                  $               50.00

Mead & Hunt                                                   $          5,600.00

Menards                                                           $            311.51

Mid-American                                                  $          4,789.53

MRES                                                              $        27,149.13

MMUA                                                            $             750.00

Nationwide                                                      $            290.00

NDLC                                                              $            240.00

NDPERS                                                          $         6,220.24

Nelson County Sheriff                                      $         2,318.40

Nelson Electrical                                              $            582.53

Neonlink                                                          $              34.00

Nodak                                                              $          1,002.53

ND One Call                                                    $               26.00

ND Telephone                                                  $               97.00

ND Water Users                                               $           100.00

NXTEC                                                            $           1,217.64

Office of State Tax                                           $              446.05

Polar                                                                $           2,024.31

Quill                                                                $              390.00

Rysavy Plumbing                                             $           1,237.88

Stone’s Mobile Radio                                       $             887.54

Stromme, Jolene                                               $               25.00

Thein Well                                                       $              275.00

United Laboratories                                          $             344.97

USABlue Book                                                $             591.77

USDA                                                              $         23,446.00

Verizon                                                            $            179.82

City Salaries                                                     $       12,489.24

City Salaries                                                     $       11,315.51

            TOTAL                                                            $     157,235.78

Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 5th, 2022, at 6:00pm.

Member Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Nelson.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

            APPROVED BY:                                             SUBMITTED BY:



Brad Hooey, Mayor                                          Amie Vasichek, Auditor