June 1 ,2021 Regular Meeting
The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting June 1st, 2021, at the City Hall. President Bill Solberg called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. Council Members present at the time of order was Dennis Fahey, Rod Mattern. Member Tom Hess was present via speaker phone. Members Dennis Mattern and Jim Vasichek entered later in the meeting. Aaron and Keith Gunn were audience members. City Attorney Jayme Tenneson, City Auditor Amie Vasichek, City Supt. Josh Ulland and Engineer Barry Glienke were also in attendance.
Member R. Mattern made a motion to approve the May 4th, 2021, regular council meeting minutes and May 24th, 2021, special council meeting minutes seconded by Member Fahey. Motion carried.
President Solberg recognized Aaron Gunn.
Mr. Gunn stated he was in attendance regarding the dangerous buildings letter he received from city attorney Tenneson. Mr. Gunn stated he has two different brick masons’ coming to review his building at 126 Main Street North in the next 2 weeks and will provide him with an estimate on the work that needs to be done.
Mr. Gunn stated he would like to have the upstairs of his building to become apartments but is interested if the council has suggestions on what could be on the main floor. Mr. Gunn questioned if there is an ordinance on allowing solar panels on his building to help cut the heating costs. Auditor Vasichek stated Lakota’s supplemental power provider MRES has some restrictions on this and will look into it.
Mr. Gunn stated he is unsure on what electrical work was done to the building by the previous owner. Supt. Ulland stated since the work was done by the owner and not an electrician, all the wiring will need to be inspected by the state inspector to sign off on it. Supt. Ulland stated he will contact the state inspector to get more information.
Mr. Gunn stated he would like to put a year-round garden or green house to the south of the building in the vacant lot he owns and is wondering if there are any restrictions on this. Supt. Ulland stated there are some old restrictions in the ordinances that only allows brick buildings in the 2 blocks of downtown.
Mr. Gunn questioned if there would be any opposition to selling drones in the building. The council did not feel there would be any issue with this retail business.
The council thanked the Gunn’s for attending the meeting and stated they will be in touch with them about the solar panel option and the electricity requirements of the building.
Aaron Gunn and Keith Gunn left the meeting at 6:33pm.
President Solberg recognized Barry Glienke.
Engineer Glienke stated he has submitted to the council the second pay estimate for the water transmission line project for $22,776.72.
Member Mattern made a motion to approve Pay Estimate #2 to Wagner Construction for $22,776.72 for the Water Transmission Line Project, seconded by Member Fahey. All members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Engineer Glienke stated he has withheld $47,458.00 in retainage until the bituminous patching is complete.
Attorney Tenneson stated he has not received an official response from Caldwell Tanks on the city’s counteroffer so there is not a need for an executive session.
President Solberg stated the community center lease agreement will be tabled until next meeting.
President Solberg stated he has spoken with his brother and sister-in-law about the property along HWY 2 west of the nursing home and they are set with the price of $5,000/acre. Member Hess stated he did not feel the price was that bad for the area.
Engineer Glienke suggested completing a feasibility analysis to know what the capital investment would be for this development prior to purchasing the land. Engineer Glienke estimated the study to be about $5,000. Engineer Glienke stated this could be used to create a plan to develop the area in phases.
The discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
President Solberg stated the next item was the amended variance request. Auditor Vasichek stated at the special meeting the Board of Adjustment made the recommendation to approve the additional variance of 5 feet setback totaling 10’ setback variance on the south side contingent to the property owner cutting 1 ½’ off from the current overhand of the structure by July 1st, 2021.
Dennis Mattern entered the meeting at 7:12pm.
Member D. Mattern stated the Herda’s have stated they would cut 1’ off the overhang not 1 ½’ and would like that corrected. There was discussion on what the actual setback was currently from the street.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to accept the special circumstances for the structure at 605 4th St West to allow for an additional 5’ setback variance totaling 10’ setback variance on the South side contingent to the property owner cutting 1’ off from the current overhang of the structure by July 1st, 2021, seconded by Member Fahey. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member D. Mattern stated he would like the city to find funds to save for a chip seal project in the next 5 years. Member D. Mattern suggested $250,000 as a goal for funds needed. Auditor Vasichek stated she reviewed this in last year’s budget with the council that there are not funds available in the street fund to put aside for this project unless the city adds $50,000 to the levy for next year. Auditor Vasichek suggested utilizing the Sales Tax Infrastructure fund to help with the expense, but those are not guaranteed funds. Auditor Vasichek also suggested borrowing funds from the Electric Fund, but also acknowledged there are some big improvement projects coming up. No action was taken.
Member Vasichek entered the meeting at 7:21pm
President Solberg stated the revised building permit form needs a little more work. Member Fahey suggested having a different form for different types of projects, new builds, additions, fences, etc.
Member Vasichek suggested reaching out to other communities to see what their building permits require for examples before next meeting. Member Vasichek stated in the meantime the council should allow the city superintendent and the mayor to sign off on all building permits.
Member Vasichek made a motion to have the building permit form be approved by both the city superintendent and the mayor, seconded by Member Hess. All members voting in favor. Motion carried.
President Solberg stated Larry Hulstrand has made a request to have the city provide 8 yards of pea rock to a playground at Stump Lake Park for a discounted price or free and to haul it on site. Attorney Tenneson stated government entities are not allowed to donate items with monetary value.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to provide and haul 8 yards of pea rock to the Stump Lake playground for $1, seconded by Member Fahey. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
M ember D. Mattern made a motion to approve a special event permit for DD’s Place on June 18th, 2021, from the hours of 9pm-2am, seconded by Member Vasichek. All members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Supt. Ulland provided a list of work that was completed the last month.
Member Fahey suggested sending a thank you to Troy Bullis for the extra work at the swimming pool that he is donating. Auditor Vasichek will handle the thank you.
No additional report provided.
Attorney Tenneson stated he spoke with Sheriff Olson prior to the meeting, and he stated the last month was the most calls he has received for a long time.
Member Hess stated he received a complaint about the property at 303 7th St West. Auditor Vasichek stated she received the same complaint, and she did call the property owner. Auditor Vasichek stated the property owner will clean up the property in the next week or so and she will follow up to make sure it gets mowed and cleaned.
Member Hess and Member D. Mattern suggested sending letters to Miranda Johnson and Scott Ericksrud on the condition of their yards as well.
No report given.
No report provided.
Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.
Auditor Vasichek stated the messaging system has been communicated to the public and she has about 100 people signed up already.
The council reviewed the financial and utility reports provided.
Attorney Tenneson reminded the council meetings are recorded and to be cognizant of what is said.
Attorney Tenneson stated the Cruise to Lakota night will be held June 9th.
After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Hess to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Vasichek seconded the motion. Motion carried on roll call vote of 5-0.
Advanced Business Methods $ 289.00
AFLAC $ 643.18
Aramark $ 57.87
BND $ 254,217.95
BCBS $ 6,028.57
Blue Tarp Financial $ 384.62
Bolton & Menk $ 54,720.50
Border States $ 92.89
Cardmember $ 372.57
CHS $ 62.50
Dept. of Energy $ 4,900.00
Dept of Treasury $ 2,054.60
EFTPS $ 2,831.08
EFTPS $ 2,561.41
Farmers Union Oil $ 722.33
GF Utility $ 130.00
Hawkins $ 3,109.23
IHeartmedia $ 129.00
Interstate Billing $ 180.56
Jorde, Verna $ 43.51
Karas, Randy $ 38.90
Klemetsrud Plumbing $ 180.00
Krabbenhoft Auto Supply $ 116.00
Lakeside Lock & Key $ 13.00
Lakota Drug $ 5.07
Lakota Golf Club $ 1,725.00
Lakota Hardware $ 504.07
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 290.00
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 339.76
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 4,901.71
Lakota Sanitation Service $ 8,253.01
Menards $ 75.72
MRES $ 34,538.57
Nationwide $ 217.50
ND Dept of Environmental $ 20.00
NDPERS $ 2,874.37
Nelson County Soil Cons. $ 160.00
Nelson County Sheriff $ 2,318.40
Neonlink $ 28.80
Nodak Electric $ 505.37
ND One Call $ 6.00
ND Telephone $ 61.06
Ohnstad Electric $ 162.50
Polar $ 544.27
Pomp’s Tire Service $ 924.43
Pro Turf Systems $ 4,100.00
Quill $ 22.98
Rod’s Auto Body $ 120.00
Solberg Motors $ 95.00
Transcript Publishing $ 550.00
Tri-County Water $ 1,650.00
Verizon $ 265.75
Wagner Construction $ 578,925.28
City Salaries $ 13,895.22
City Salaries $ 14,708.08
TOTAL $ 1,006,667.19
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday July 12th, 2021, at 6pm.
Member R. Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member D. Mattern.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Brad Hooey, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor