June 12, 2019 Special Meeting
The Lakota City Council held a special meeting on June 12th, 2019, at the City Hall. Mayor Russo called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. All Council Members were present, member Rainsberry was on speaker phone.
Member Hess stated he and Member Solberg conducted city superintendent interviews on Monday, July 10th with each applicant. Member Hess stated he and Member Solberg would recommend hiring Josh Ulland as the new superintendent. Member Solberg stated he was impressed by Mr. Ulland’s work background and felt good about his work ethic.
Member Solberg stated he felt all applicants are hardworking but each have different management styles. Member Solberg stated Mr. Ulland has electrician knowledge and he could enhance his education further if needed.
Member D. Mattern suggested paying Mr. Ulland in the mid $50,000 range as he should not make as much as Supt. Zeug did since he is not a Journeyman Lineman and does not have any city experience. Member Vasichek stated he believes Mr. Ulland should be in the $60,000 range and Mr. Ulland could gain that experience thru training and city staff. Member Vasichek suggested quantifying wage increments with certificates and training throughout his time with the city.
Mayor Russo suggested $28/hr. wage for Mr. Ulland. Member Solberg stated the offer should be $29/hr. then wage increases as Mr. Ulland completes certificates and training. Member Vasichek stated Mr. Ulland should be reviewed annually instead of in 6 months.
Member Vasichek motion to offer Josh Ulland the city superintendent position starting wage of $29/hr. with quantified wage increases for training completed, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor, except Member D. Mattern who opposed. Motion carried.
Member Hess stated Mr. Ulland is eligible to obtain his master’s electrician certificate by paying the fee and testing if needed.
Mayor Russo questioned Member D. Mattern on his opposition of Mr. Ulland. Member D. Mattern stated Mr. Ulland has no knowledge of the city projects currently going on and he is very inexperienced for city work, so he felt a lesser wage was more appropriate. Member Vasichek stated employee Herda also did not have any city experience prior to working for the city and he is one of the highest paid employees.
Member Solberg stated the choice for him when picking the superintendent came down to each applicant’s temperament. Member Solberg stated Mr. Ulland will have the council, auditor, staff to help him gain knowledge of the city.
The council contacted Mr. Ulland via speaker phone to offer the position at $29.hr and wage increases with certificates/training. Mr. Ulland stated he thought the offer sounded good and he will confer with his family and provide an answer by noon tomorrow.
Member Vasichek made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Member D. Mattern.
Meeting adjourned at 8:06am
Jeff Russo, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor