May 24, 2021 Special Meeting

The Lakota City Council held a special meeting May 24th, 2021, at the City Hall.  Mayor Hooey called the meeting to order at 7:58 a.m. All Council Members were present.  Mark Huso, Kevin Baumgarn, Trent Matejcek, Lisa Schindele, Jason Sorlien, Robert Fredrick, Evonne Fredrick, Bob Zeug was in attendance.  City Attorney Jayme Tenneson, City Auditor Amie Vasichek and City Supt. Josh Ulland were in attendance. 

Mayor Hooey recognized Mark Huso.

Mr. Huso stated the community center lease agreement is coming up for renewal and the school board would like the city to consider a reduction in rent.  Mr. Huso stated the school is in need of replacing the gym floor and would like to build up a reserve to do so.  Mr. Huso suggested reducing the rent to $10,000/year.  Mr. Huso stated over the course of the school board renting the center, they have provided $662,000 to city.

Mrs. Schindele stated she is concerned with the school financially supporting a building they have no ownership in.

Member Vasichek stated the city has contributed a lot of money to the community center to maintain the facility.  Member Vasichek stated the city council, and the school board needs to create a sustainable partnership to move on each year and he is proposing more of a partnership instead of an owner and renter relationship.  Member Vasichek stated the building is coming to be 30 years old soon and would suggest creating a joint committee to do a fundraising effort for improvements and celebrate the last 30 years.

The Lakota school board stated they were very interested in a joint committee to handle improvements.  Mr. Huso stated the school board has not decided on what type of floor they would like to purchase; however, he would envision a removable floor.  Mr. Matejcek stated he would like to see the community events continue but there will be some restrictions set with a new floor.  It was stated a new floor would be under $200,000.

Member Vasichek suggested splitting the revenue and expenses evenly with the School District instead of having a rental agreement. Member Vasichek stated the shared calendar system should prevent a lot of scheduling conflicts.  Mr. Baumgarn stated the shared calendar system has helped with planning.

Mr. Huso suggested having the joint planning committee start in August/September.

Mr. Baumgarn, Mr. Huso, Mr. Matejcek, Mrs. Schindele, and Mr. Sorlien left the meeting at 8:26pm. 

Mayor Hooey stated the next item is the variance request by Herda’s.

Member Hess stated the setback of the building includes the placement of the gutters/downspouts, not just the main structure. 

Attorney Tenneson stated he read the city codes for the proper way to approve a variance and it will need to go thru the board of adjustment first with their recommendation then goes to the city council for final decision.  Attorney Tenneson stated the board of adjustment is the entire council.  Mayor Hooey stated he does not agree with allowing 6’ variance because that would not require the Herda’s to move the rafters back 1 ½’ as discussed.

Mr. Zeug stated he would recommend requiring a timeline for moving the rafter line back.

Member Vasichek made a motion accepting special circumstances for the structure at 605 4th St West to allow for an additional 5’ setback variance totaling 10’ setback variance on the South side contingent to the property owner cutting 1 ½’ off from the current overhang of the structure by July 1st, 2021, seconded by Member Hess.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.  The final decision of this variance request will take place on June 1st, 2021 regular meeting.

Mr. Zeug left the meeting at 8:42pm.

Member Hess made a motion to approve vacating the platted alley of Block 37, O.T., Lakota, ND, subject to the necessary utility easements, seconded by Member R. Mattern.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey stated the city received a verbal estimate of $1,308 for purchase and install of sod for the North side of the pool property.

Member Hess made a motion to approve $1,308 for the purchase and install of sod at the North side of the pool, seconded by Member Vasichek.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey stated Robert & Evonne Frederick are present to answer any questions of the submitted building permit.  Member Hess stated according to the new rules for building permits, there needs to be a plat map attached to the permit drawing out the location of the proposed structure.

Supt. Ulland stated the proposed structure will be back 37’ from the curb and 12’ from the alley.

Mayor Hooey stated he did not see anything wrong with the proposed structure.  Member Vasichek stated that the council has some more work to be done on the building permit process for next meeting.

Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve the building permit for Robert & Evonne Frederick, seconded by Member Vasichek.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Mr. Frederick suggested including a plat map with the permit form.  Member Fahey stated a copy of the property’s plat map could also be found in the owner’s abstract.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick left the meeting at 9:05am.

Member Vasichek suggested to the council to accept the proposed $10,000/year leased agreement for the community center to the school however to also have the school pledge an additional $10,000 to start an improvement fund for the community center.

Supt. Ulland left the meeting at 9:12am.

Member D. Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Solberg.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:13am.


            APPROVED BY:                                             SUBMITTED BY:



Brad Hooey, Mayor                                          Amie Vasichek, Auditor