January 7, 2019 Regular Meeting
The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting January 7th, 2019, at the City Hall. Mayor Russo called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All Council Members were present. Engineer Brad Muscha and City Supt. Bob Zeug were also present.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve the minutes of the Dec, 3rd, 2018 regular meeting, seconded by Member Hess. All voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve the minutes of the Dec. 13th, 2018 special meeting and Dec. 19th special meeting seconded by Member Rainsberry. All voting in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Russo recognized Engineer Muscha. Engineer Muscha stated he has not heard a response from Knife River about the city’s counter offer on the liquidated damages.
Engineer Muscha stated the NTI invoice for street cores and testing will need to be approved in the amount of $1,680. Engineer Muscha stated all results of the samples were provided to Knife River.
Member Hess made a motion to approve the payment of $1,680 to NTI for street core testing, seconded by Member R. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Engineer Muscha presented the council with Knife River’s request for payment of $218,359.54 for work complete. Member Vasichek expressed interest to withhold the LD’s as requested by the city of $138,000.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve payment request from Knife River #5 with deductions of $138,000 of liquidated damages, seconded by Member D. Mattern.
Member Rainsberry questioned if the city used the $2,100/day LD’S calculation what that would total using today’s date. Engineer Muscha calculated 95 days in LD’s at $2,100/day would be $199,500.
Current motion was requested to be amended by Member Vasichek.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve Knife River’s application for payment #5 with liquidated damages of $199,500, resulting in the payment of $18,859.54, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Engineer Muscha stated the BND request for funding will be submitted as $20,539.54.
Member Hess questioned the railroad paving and who is the owner. It was discussed CHS is the owner of the property and Auditor Vasichek will contact CHS to ask permission to remove and replace the current paving.
Engineer Muscha stated the sewer re-lining contracts have been constructed and are now needed a review and approval by the city to proceed. Auditor Vasichek was asked to provide Attorney Manbeck with a copy of the contracts prior to approval.
Engineer Muscha will contact the contractor about a start date on the sewer re-lining project.
Engineer Muscha left the meeting at 6:22pm
Mayor Russo stated he would like to gather more information on small cell tower ordinances.
Auditor Vasichek stated the council will need to designate the city’s depository of State Bank of Lakota.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve the city of Lakota’s depository of the State Bank of Lakota, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Auditor Vasichek stated the NCJDA has provided a grant of $5,000 towards the digital sign project and she will be contacting Polar Communications to see if they would contribute to the project as well. Supt. Zeug suggested contacting the school to see if they would like to contribute in order to post their school activities.
Mayor Russo stated he would like rules established for advertising on this sign as it is meant for city promotion and businesses, not birthdays and personal use.
Supt. Zeug report provided within the council book.
Member Rainsberry questioned if there was a recent incident with a city snow plow. Supt Zeug stated he was unsure of an incident with the snow plow. Supt. Zeug stated the payloader snow pusher needed new skid shoes and rubber, but he believes it was more of a maintenance issue, not an incident.
Mayor Russo questioned the status of Mr. Ringsrud’s tree removal. Supt. Zeug stated the city is having some electrical work completed shortly and that crew has offered to cut some branches down that are higher up to allow for easier removal. Supt. Zeug stated this will be at no extra cost to the city to do so.
Mayor Russo stated he wanted to know more about the payloader issues Supt. Zeug mentioned. Supt. Zeug stated he has hit a cement pad on the north end of the shop causing the rubber and skid shoes to be replaced, but he felt they were worn already. Mayor Russo questioned if there is any damage that Supt. Zeug could see to a snow plow. Supt. Zeug stated he was on vacation during the last snow storm so he does not know if anything happened.
No additional report provided.
Report provided in the council books.
Sheriff Olson stated the county jail bill is over $100,000 again for the past year and it has been a financial burden on the county. Sheriff Olson stated there are currently 5 inmates in the Devils Lake Correction Center who are the financial responsibility of Nelson County. Sheriff Olson stated the financial impact for Nelson County is appx $80/day for an adult to be an inmate and $275/day for a juvenile.
Sheriff Olson stated his office is currently fully staffed.
Member Rainsberry stated he was unable to meet with water operator Burkland on the Scada system, but will try to do so in the next month. Supt. Zeug stated he feels the communication issues of the system was a result of frost.
Member Hess stated he was approached about the possibility of the city completing a property development as the town is running out of places for people to build. Auditor Vasichek provided the council with a property development options and cost estimates from 2013.
Auditor Vasichek stated she will need to create a sign indicating lots for sale north of Sunlac to better advertise that area.
Member Halvorson stated this will be her last meeting as she has now moved to Tolna. Member Halvorson thanked the council for everything they do and stated she will still be working in town and contributing to the city where she can.
No reports provided.
Mayor Russo thanked Member Halvorson for her time on city council and for all her extra effort on the Personnel Committee and the wage analysis.
Mayor Russo stated he would like to appoint Member Tom Hess to the Personnel Committee going forward.
Auditor Vasichek’s written report was provided and attached with minutes.
Auditor Vasichek stated with the USDA funding, the city will need to have their buildings ADA compliant. Auditor Vasichek stated she will start working on receiving 3 estimates for each project for the council’s review. Auditor Vasichek stated the remaining funds from the water treatment plant and water tower project will be used towards these projects.
Council members reviewed the financial and utilities reports.
Attorney Manbeck was not present for a report.
After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Hess to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Vasichek seconded the motion. Motion carried on roll call vote of 5-0.
Access Printing $ 216.34
Advance Auto Parts $ 10.99
Advanced Business Methods $ 281.00
Aflac $ 293.18
Ameripride Services $ 43.21
At&t $ 281.13
Anderson, Zachary $ 210.28
BCBS $ 4,276.80
Border States $ 762.63
Brent’s Service $ 9.82
Caldwell Tanks $ 246,767.25
Cardmember Service $ 348.11
CMS $ 9.95
Construction Supply $ 348.00
Dakota Supply $ 132.02
EFTPS $ 2,045.44
EFTPS $ 2,121.50
EFTPS $ 1,904.45
EKP Ventures $ 1,072.67
Farmers Union Oil $ 1,379.50
GF Utility $ 41.00
Good Sam $ 25.00
Hamel, Rickey $ 128.75
Hawkins $ 411.08
Herda, Matt $ 80.00
JT Services $ 5,130.00
Knife River $ 551,270.04
Krabbenhoft $ 280.28
Lake Region Pest Control $ 80.00
Lakeside Lock & Key $ 33.00
Lakota Ambulance $ 2,000.00
Lakota American $ 417.64
Lakota Auto Truck & Tire $ 39.74
Lakota Child Care Center $ 25.00
Lakota Grocery $ 72.19
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 280.00
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 50.00
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 554.96
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 7,050.74
Lakota Sanitation Service $ 7,804.31
Mailfinance $ 600.00
Manbeck Law $ 1,458.00
McLean, Gary $ 50.00
Menards $ 251.95
MRES $ 48,647.02
Moore Engineering $ 18,846.72
Nationwide $ 362.50
ND Dept. of Health $ 51.78
ND Municipal Power $ 150.00
NDPERS $ 3,085.15
NMPP $ 5,128.00
Nelson Co. Sheriff $ 4,636.80
Nelson Electrical Solutions $ 292.59
Nodak Electric $ 1,814.11
ND One Call $ 6.00
ND Telephone $ 59.32
NXTEC $ 49.41
Polar $ 1,328.22
Pro Turf $ 3,748.00
Quill $ 248.48
Sam’s Club $ 140.00
Transcript Publishing $ 250.00
Zeug, Bob $ 225.19
City Salaries $ 10,952.99
City Salaries $ 10,070.60
TOTAL $ 951,083.94
Next regular meeting is scheduled for February 4th, 2019 at 6pm.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Rainsberry.
Meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
Jeff Russo, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor