April 4, 2022 Regular Meeting

The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting April 4th, 2022, at the City Hall. Mayor Brad Hooey called the meeting to order at 5:58 p.m. All Council Members were present. Barry Glienke, Jay & Denise Sundeen, Tom Hendrickson, Becky Nelson, Angela Herda, Dan Ferguson and Randy Karas were all audience members. City Auditor Amie Vasichek and City Supt. Josh Ulland were also in attendance.

The council and audience stood and conducted the pledge of allegiance.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the March 7th, 2022, regular council meeting minutes seconded by Member Hess. Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey recognized Tom Hendrickson.

Mr. Hendrickson stated he was in attendance about the letter he received about the potential property assessment on the west end of town.

Engineer Glienke provided the council and audience members with the Hulstrand addition improvement plan with an estimated cost of $560,000 to install sewer, water, storm services, road improvement, engineering and legal expenses. 

Mr. Sundeen stated he is in favor of the city having more land to develop but he is concerned with how long this potential assessment would be and the cost estimate to each property owner.  Engineer Glienke stated the length of the assessment would be up to the city council.

Member Vasichek stated the council is aware of the how the previous assessment on their property was not handled the best and it would be a considered if and when this assessment is configured.  Member Vasichek suggested to the council having the city attorney check into if the city is able to reimburse the property owners the property value if they end up forfeiting the land for tax foreclosure. 

Jay Sundeen, Denise Sundeen and Angela Herda left the meeting at 6:43pm.

Mayor Hooey recognized Dan Ferguson. 

Mr. Ferguson stated he would like to tie into the city’s water line for his new building on the north side of town.  Mr. Ferguson stated he has already received verbal permission from Karen Doyle .to run the water line across her property to connect which he estimated to be about 650’ of line.  Auditor Vasichek suggested getting a formal easement in place for the water line. Supt. Ulland stated the curb stop would be by Karen Doyle’s.

Mayor Hooey questioned if Mr. Ferguson would be evaluating his trash collection rates to the residents since the cost of fuel is increasing dramatically.  Mr. Ferguson stated he hasn’t increased his rates since he started and might increase to offset the fuel cost, but stated he enjoys the business.

Dan Ferguson left the meeting at 6:52pm.

Mayor Hooey recognized Randy Karas.

Mr. Karas stated he would like the council to approve his proposed improvement lists for the golf course.  Mr. Karas stated the entire cost is minimal and it is work he believes needs to be completed; railings for the bridge at hole #6, drain tile, sprinkler heads, and new blade sharpener.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the Lakota Golf Course improvement plan presented by Randy Karas, seconded by Member Hess.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Member Fahey suggested getting a new golf course sign to indicate it is a public course with amenities. Member Vasichek suggested asking the NCJDA for financial assistance with the signage.

Randy Karas left the meeting at 7:02pm.



Mayor Hooey recognized Barry Glienke.

Engineer Glienke stated he has some work to do on the Hulstrand development since hearing the discussion with the property owners earlier in the meeting and now he would ask for approval to continue with the design of the project.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the Design resolution for the Hulstrand Property, seconded by Member Fahey.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Engineer Glienke stated he is waiting on the topography work for the city hall parking lot and hopefully will get started on that shortly.

Member Fahey questioned if the city would be interested in having a community garden space.  Auditor Vasichek was instructed to check with the cemetery board on using the vacant lots as a temporary space.



Member Hess made a motion to approve the lease agreement with the Rock Creek Club House, seconded by Member Fahey. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey stated he would like the council to consider hiring another full-time city crew member to help train under the water operator.  Mayor Hooey stated if they find the right person, the city might not have a need for the summer part time help.  Auditor Vasichek was instructed to place an ad for bother the summer position to be closed on April 30th and a full-time equipment operator position until filled.

The council reviewed the WAPA contract renewal.  Auditor Vasichek and Supt. Ulland sat in on a call with MRES about the renewal and it was advised that the renewal was just a formality and it cleaned up some language for the SPP network.

Member Hess made a motion to approve the WAPA contract renewal, seconded by Member R. Mattern.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.


The council reviewed the request from Nelson County Health Services for a golf course membership for a silent auction item at their upcoming Gala and the Lakota After Prom party request for a junior golf course membership for a drawing item.

Member Vasichek made a motion to have the LMU provide a Golf Course Family season pass to the Nelson County Health Gala and a Golf Course Junior season pass to the Lakota after prom party, seconded by Member R. Mattern.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

The council reviewed the street striping bid from T.H Renovations for $1210.00.  Member D. Mattern suggested taking out one of the parking lines between DD’s Place and Buckshot as the back end of vehicles sticks out too far.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the street striping bid by T.H. Renovations for $1,210, seconded by Member D. Mattern.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor except Member Hess who abstained.  Motion carried.



Supt. Ulland’s report was provided to the council.

Member D. Matten questioned when the streets will be crack sealed Supt. Ulland stated the temperatures need to remain above 50 degrees to do this.

Member D. Mattern stated he would like the snowbank moved by Dennis Anderson’s. 

Supt. Ulland stated he would like permission to purchase a new laptop as his city one is very old and not supported anymore.

Member R. Mattern made a motion to purchase a new laptop for Supt. Ulland, seconded by Member Hess.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. 

Supt. Ulland stated his crew is trying to find a water leak in town as there has been excessive water loss recently.



No additional report provided.



No additional report provided.



Member Vasichek stated the community center committee met recently and they would like to have humidity monitors installed on the floor and they will also check in to the current air exchangers in the building.

Member Fahey stated he would like the city to place a small green space at the end of the street on C Ave west to help beautify the Hulstrand Development.

Member Hess stated he would really like the council to pursue the community garden and suggested getting a survey to gather interest. 



No report provided.



No report provided.


Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.

Auditor Vasichek stated she received news that the RV Park grant was not awarded funds, but she felt it was a great project to still pursue if the council approves.

Auditor Vasichek stated the revision of the city website should be complete on Wednesday,


The council reviewed the financial and utility reports provided.


Attorney Tenneson was not present for the meeting.


After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Hess to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Fahey seconded the motion. Motion carried, on roll call vote of 6-0.

Advanced Business Methods                             $          300.06

Aflac                                                               $          464.16

Agcom Credit                                                   $          258.82

Apex Engineering                                             $        4,100.00

BCBS                                                               $        6,070.28

Border States                                                    $           978.24

Cardmember Services                                       $           319.13

City of Lakota                                                  $             75.00

Dacotah Paper                                                  $           332.76

EFTPS                                                              $        2,005.56

EFTPS                                                              $        2,357.07

Farmers Union Oil                                            $        2,170.37

Hawkins                                                          $         1,082.98

Hurtt, Mortenson & Rygh                                 $         8,950.00

Karas, Randy                                                   $              50.86

Lakota American                                              $            328.59

Lakota City Cemetery                                       $          3,150.96

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            290.00

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            679.42

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $       11,400.49

Lakota Sanitation Service                                 $          7,709.56

Mailfinance                                                      $             600.00

McLean, Gary                                                  $               75.00

MRES                                                              $        74,209.14

MMUA                                                            $             600.00

NDPERS                                                          $         6,385.91

Nelson County Sheriff                                      $         2,318.40

Nodak                                                              $            931.57

Polar                                                                $            707.73

Quill                                                                $            445.12

Rysavy Plumbing                                             $            180.00

The Glass Shop                                                $            268.00

United Laboratories                                          $         1,114.50

Verizon                                                            $             180.01

City Salaries                                                     $       10,846.27

City Salaries                                                     $       13,073.56

            TOTAL                                                            $     

Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 2nd, 2022, at 6:00pm.

Member D. Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Vasichek.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

            APPROVED BY:                                             SUBMITTED BY:



Brad Hooey, Mayor                                          Amie Vasichek, Auditor