August 1, 2022 Regular Meeting
The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting August 1st, 2022, at the City Hall. Mayor Brad Hooey called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. All Council Members were present, Member Solberg was in attendance via speaker phone. Stacie Sevigny was in the audience. City Attorney Jayme Tenneson, City Engineer Barry Glienke, City Auditor Amie Vasichek and City Supt. Josh Ulland were also in attendance.
Mayor Hooey called for additions to the agenda.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the July 5th, 2022, regular meeting minutes seconded by Member Mattern Motion carried.
Mayor Hooey recognized Stacie Sevigny.
Mrs. Sevigny stated she was in attendance representing the Red River Regional Council and the NCJDA. Mrs. Sevigny provided information on the NCJDA Storefront Improvement program, RWIP opportunity and the regional meetings.
Mrs. Sevigny questioned if there would be anything the city would like the NCJDA to pursue or work on in addition to these items. Member Vasichek suggested some outreach to the local schools to engage the students to return to the area after college. Mrs. Sevigny stated the NCJDA is reviewing a tuition reimbursement program if the student returns to work in the area.
Mrs. Sevigny left the meeting at 6:18pm.
Mayor Hooey recognized Engineer Glienke.
Attorney Tenneson stated the Home Run Court Abstract is moving forward and after proper notification a judge should grant the restrictions on the property to be dissolved.
Engineer Glienke stated he will follow up with the surveyor about placing poles signifying the property lines at the Hulstrand Property Development.
Engineer Glienke stated he is currently looking for 3 paving quotes for the city hall parking lot and is hopeful to having something at the next council meeting.
Mayor Hooey stated with the results of the public hearing on the re-zoning Block 3 in the Sundeen’s Addition he would recommend denying the petition to rezone a portion of it to commercial.
Member Nelson made a motion to deny the petition to rezone a portion of Block 3 Sundeen’s Addition to commercial, seconded by Member Fahey. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the petition to vacate a portion of 1st Ave SW in the South Addition as indicated in the CHS petition, seconded by Member Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Auditor Vasichek presented the council with the 2023 preliminary budget and a summary of notes.
List of Funds levied
01 General $ 125,200
06 Library $ 8,500
09 Cemetery $ 2,000
10 Airport $ 10,000
13 Emergency $ 2,010
16 Special Assessments $ 30,000
Total $177,710
Park Board
General $35,000
Total $212,710
Member Fahey made a motion to approve the presented preliminary budget of $177,710 of levied funds for the city for 2023, seconded by Member Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Auditor Vasichek provided the council with a landfill rate from other communities. Auditor Vasichek stated the city of Cooperstown puts a $1.50/month landfill fee on each utility bill to cover administration costs and the city of Beach has a Blighted Residential demolition program where the landfill fee is waived to take down dilapidated properties. The council had discussions about if the landfill should take shingles or not considering the amount of real estate the city has. It was decided to not accept shingles at this time but could make exceptions on residential shingles; commercial shingles will not be accepted. Auditor Vasichek will revise the blighted residential demolition program and present it at the next meeting.
Auditor Vasichek stated we are in need of appointing people to the NDSU Community Impressions group. It was decided to provide the names of the council along with Supt. Ulland and Attorney Tenneson and whoever can attend at that time, will.
Supt. Ulland presented a quote from North Holt Electric to covert 2400-volt system on the west side of town to 7200-volt underground which was sectioned into four phases totaling $41,590. Supt. Ulland stated he would recommend doing the first three phases of the project totaling $34,040. Member Nelson recommended hiring North Holt to complete the boring of each house services at $800.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve North Holt Electric’s proposal to covert the overhead 2400-volt system to 7200 volts underground on the west side of town for $34,040, seconded by Member Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Supt. Ulland presented a quote from T & R Electric for $86,832 of 18 transformers to have on hand and for the improvement project. Supt. Ulland stated the transformers are 70 weeks out on delivery.
Member Mattern made a motion to accept the T & R Electric quote of $86,832 for transformers, seconded by Member Nelson. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member Vasichek requested Supt. Ulland to verify the T & R Electric will honor the price with the long delay in delivery and to find out the payment structure to secure the transformers.
Mayor Hooey stated the city has received a citizen complaint from Loretta Brossart on Timmy Hoffarth’ s property. Supt. Ulland stated he reached Mr. Hoffarth via text message to ask him to clean up his yard and they did not come to a resolution.
Attorney Tenneson stated he will draft a letter to the owner of the property, Janie Luehring in the next day or two and would recommend sending it certified mail.
Mayor Hooey stated there is also an abandoned vehicle on this property that should be removed. Attorney Tenneson stated he would recommend assessing all abandoned vehicles in town and sending letters to all owners. Attorney Tenneson asked for the city crew to compile a list by next meeting, and he will draft a letter.
Auditor Vasichek presented the renewal of BCBS Health insurance policy. Auditor Vasichek stated the overall increase for the policy is 6.1%. Auditor Vasichek went over other BCBS policies with the council for comparable. Member Solberg stated he felt the city should stay as is.
Member Nelson made a motion to approve the annual BCBS employee health insurance policy, seconded by Member Fahey. All members voting in favor, except Member Vasichek who abstained. Motion carried.
Supt. Ulland’s report was provided to the council.
Supt. Ulland stated that he has been unsuccessful in getting contractors to bid the concrete work in the city and the work may have to wait until next year.
Mayor Hooey stated he had a contractor come into town to take out a damaged tree in the park that cost $1500, but it needed to be done.
Engineer Glienke provided the council with information on research of the 3rd pump at the lift station and is recommending putting in a high flow 40hp pump to lock out pumps 1 & 2 during an emergency. Engineer Glienke stated he would recommend installing a SCADA system at the lift station, so it is easily controlled by the city crew. Engineer Glienke provided the council with a cost estimate of $118,025.75 from Minnesota Pump Works. Attorney Tenneson stated if the council would like to proceed with this project it will need to be an agenda item at the next meeting.
No additional report provided.
Member Vasichek stated the community center committee will be meeting shortly to organize the community center storage rooms and Travis Schmidt will be replacing Derrick Marquart as one of the representatives from the school.
Member Mattern questioned the status on changing the lift station steps. Supt. Ulland stated he is waiting on a welder to come and fix them. The council provided Supt. Ulland with other welder contacts.
Member Mattern questioned if the crew will be spraying for weeds in the sidewalks and streets soon as they are pretty bad. Supt. Ulland stated he sprayed last Thursday & Friday and the weeds should be dying soon.
Member Fahey questioned if the city was able to acquire the Jim Sloan property. Auditor Vasichek stated she was successful in the purchase at $6,500 with a purchase date of August 1st.
Member Fahey stated the city should consider re-platting the Block 3 of Sundeen’s addition to accommodate larger lots for residences.
Member Nelson stated he would like to have the city purchase new suitcase generators for the city crew and provide a budget of $1,000 to do so. Attorney Tenneson stated this will need to be an agenda item at next month’s meeting.
Member Nelson stated the pole by Jesse Schuh’s is rotten and would like it to be remedied. Supt. Ulland stated he has looked at it and has a plan for it.
No report provided.
Mayor Hooey stated he would like the council to consider water & sewer rate increases in addition to adding a landfill fee to utility bills by the first of the year.
Auditor Vasichek’s written report was provided and attached with minutes.
Member Mattern stated he was asked if the city could get in a commercial shredder trailer. Auditor Vasichek stated unless it is for large quantities of documents to dispose of; the city library already has shredder that can shred 300 sheets of paper at a time for free.
Auditor Vasichek stated the ND E-Waste trailer will be in town August 4th from 11am-6pm to take electronics.
Auditor Vasichek stated there will be an open house for Angela Jutila at the library on Friday, August 5th and will get additional information to the council before then. Auditor Vasichek will handle getting a plant to Mrs. Jutila.
The council reviewed the financial and utility reports provided.
Attorney Tenneson stated he will be serving letters to people on the Home Run Court property to resolve the deed issue this week.
After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Vasichek to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member D. Mattern seconded the motion. Motion carried, on roll call vote of 6-0.
Advanced Business Methods $ 300.06
Aflac $ 374.96
Agcom Credit $ 912.44
Anderson, Becky $ 25.00
Apex Engineering $ 9,858.50
Aramark $ 43.35
BND $ 36,574.05
BCBS $ 6,070.28
Border States $ 30,882.41
Cardmember Services $ 2,208.69
CHS – Lakota $ 518.85
EFTPS $ 3,306.59
EFTPS $ 3,317.28
Farmers Union Insurance $ 881.00
Farmers Union Oil $ 492.64
Ferguson Waterworks $ 547.91
Frederick, Robert $ 250.00
GF Utility $ 26.00
GovOffice $ 570.00
Hawkins $ 2,525.54
Job Service $ 551.99
Karas, Randy $ 8.75
Krabbenhoft Auto $ 44.96
Lakes Area Turf $ 4,215.00
Lakota Auto $ 110.66
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 310.00
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 343.45
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 7,132.87
Lakota Sanitation Service $ 8,328.74
Linde Gas & Equipment $ 127.56
Locken Outdoor $ 1,500.00
Mailfinance $ 600.00
Mclean, Gary $ 25.00
MARC $ 5,668.91
MRES $ 36,112.40
MMUA $ 600.00
Nationwide $ 290.00
NDLC $ 931.00
NDPERS $ 3,231.45
NMPP $ 668.07
Nelson County Sheriff $ 2,318.40
Newby’s Ace Hardware $ 879.99
Nodak $ 1,085.93
ND Telephone $ 61.02
Office of State Tax $ 463.59
Ohnstad Electric $ 133.40
Olson, Keith $ 500.00
Polar $ 3,106.99
QTPOD $ 480.00
Quadient Leasing $ 203.07
Quill $ 81.95
Railroad Management $ 313.34
Rock Creek Club House $ 750.00
Verizon $ 118.94
Wells Fargo $ 8,849.29
WSI $ 99.95
Zemek, Jeff $ 6,600.00
City Salaries $ 17,127.76
City Salaries $ 17,504.75
TOTAL $ 231,164.73
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, at 6:00pm.
Member Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Vasichek.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Brad Hooey, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor