May 20, 2020 Special Meeting
The Lakota City Council held a special meeting May 20th, 2020, at the City Hall. Mayor Russo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Council Members were present, except Member D. Mattern who was absent
., Mayor Russo was in attendance on speaker phone. Audience members were Angela Herda, Dan Ferguson, Ben Varnson, Todd Whitman. Dave Sateren was in attendance via speaker phone. City Supt. Matt Herda was in attendance.
Mayor Russo recognized Ben Varnson.
Mr. Varnson stated he is assisting a water drainage project north of Lakota and after review with the Lakota Township has concluded the pump North of Lakota will need to be changed out due to the additional water flow that will enter into the pond. Mr. Varnson stated the current pump has an output of 6” while the line coming into it is 15”. Mr. Varnson stated it is now up to the city of Lakota and the Lakota Township if they want to change out the current pump. Mr. Varnson stated the Nelson County Water Board currently has a pump that they are willing to sell for this project for approximately $20,000 and a total project cost to install of approximately $42,400. ($16,300 - inverter, $20,000 – pump, $500 – freight, $600 – hose, misc. fittings, $3,500 transformer, $1,500 electrical labor).
Angela Herda stated there is a possibility to get FEMA assistance for this project and have the cost of renting the pump be covered instead of purchased. Mrs. Herda stated she wouldn’t know if it would be approved until 40-60 days from now. Mrs. Herda stated with the assistance FEMA would cover 75%, the state would cover 10% and the applicant would be covering 15% of the project costs.
Member Vasichek questioned if FEMA would cover the conversion of the pump. Mrs. Herda stated she would have to check on that.
Mr. Varnson stated if the pump were to be rented from the Water Board, he would estimate the monthly cost between $1400-$1800/month with a minimum of 6-month rental each year.
Dan Ferguson stated the Lakota Township is in favor of the project and would cost share it with the city 50/50.
Member Vasichek made a motion to cost share the installation of a new pump north of Lakota with the Lakota Township for a total project cost of $45,000 with the intention of pursuing funding from a FEMA emergency declaration, seconded by Member R. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Ferguson, Whitman, and Varnson left the meeting at 8:02pm.
Member Rainsberry stated Member Vasichek and himself met with School Board representatives Mark Huso and Jason Sorlien about the community center contract and the school would like a reduction of 30% in the rental due to the reduction in games held at the facility under the co-op with Dakota Prairie. Member Rainsberry stated the amount would be $17,500 in rent. Member Vasichek stated he felt with the school going with a three-year contract with Dakota Prairie, the school should be able to commit to a 3-year lease agreement with the city. Member Vasichek suggested agreeing to an initial reduction of the contract but putting in an annual step increase each year.
Member Vasichek suggested supplying the school with information of all the improvements the city is completing in order to have an upstanding facility for school activities. Member Vasichek stated the School Board representatives acknowledged the floor issues would be school responsibility.
Member Solberg suggested meeting in the middle somewhere on the annual rate for the contract and suggested $20,000 for the first year. Member Vasichek stated he will factor in a step increase each year and provide the counter to the school board.
Member Vasichek made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Hess.
Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Jeff Russo, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor