April 6, 2020 Regular Meeting
The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting April 6th, 2020, at the City Hall. Mayor Russo called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. All Council Members were present via phone conference. City Superintendent Matt Herda, city employee Kim Burkland and new hire Steve Richardson were in attendance via phone conference. Audience members were Engineer Brad Muscha and Jason Sorlien via phone conference.
Member D. Matten made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 2nd, 2020 regular meeting, and March 13th, 2020 special meeting seconded by Member R. Mattern. All voting in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Russo recognized Engineer Muscha.
Engineer Muscha stated he provided a list of his agenda for the council. The council gave Engineer Muscha locations for asphalt and manholes that will need to be repaired. Engineer stated he will review the locations when he is in Lakota again.
Engineer Muscha stated as of today, there has not been any correspondence from Knife River to repair the defective work and the deadline is June 1st, 2020.
Engineer Muscha stated he will need approval of #14 to request loan funds from BND for engineering fees.
Member R. Mattern made a motion to approve request #14 to BND for loan funds for the street project of $14,119.63, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Engineer Muscha left the meeting at 6:20pm
Auditor Vasichek supplied the council with e-mail correspondence from MRES and WAPA about the requested improvements to the substation south of Lakota. Member Rainsberry stated he would like to know more about what is needed for improvements from MRES before any further discussion is had.
Mayor Russo stated Auditor Vasichek will request a list of recommendations from MRES to compare with WAPA’s request for improvements before the next meeting.
Supt. Herda stated he received two different quotes for both the drain tile and rain gutters at the community center.
Blueline - $2,550
Linfoot - $15,550
Drain tile
Naastad Brothers - $99,690
Witzel - $8,100
Supt. Herda started with the gutters. Supt. Herda stated the large price difference between the two bids was because Blueline does not believe the gutters need to be replaced, rather they are suggesting doubling up on downspouts to increase the water flow; and install snow guard pods. Supt. Herda stated Linfoot is proposing to remove and replace existing gutters/downspouts and install 6” wide gutters; install 2 rows of snow and ice bar on low roof. Member Hess stated what Linfoot is proposing makes great sense and feels that is the way to go. Member R. Mattern suggested the city crew can perform the concrete gutter work at the base of the building.
Supt. Herda stated Witzel Constructions bid on the drain tile would go 4’-5’ deep and tie together on the north side of the building. Supt. Herda stated the driveway to the north would need to be removed for the project, but he recommends replacing the driveway either way due to a large lip on the pad.
Member Hess made a motion to approve Witzel Constructions bid for installation of drain tile at the community center, seconded by Member R. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Supt. Herda excused himself from the call to contact Blueline gutter to clarify some items on the estimate.
Mr. Sorlien left the phone conference at 7:05pm.
Auditor Vasichek stated they are still waiting on the revised price for the wall mats at the community center.
Auditor Vasichek stated she has supplied e-mail correspondence from MRES about the supplemental distribution maintenance agreement and the facility assessment agreement. Auditor Vasichek stated in summary there is no hidden fee for the maintenance agreement. The council discussed the cost of each agreement, if used.
Member Hess made a motion to approve the MRES Facility Assessment agreement, seconded by Member Vasichek. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member Rainsberry stated he is comfortable with the distribution maintenance agreement as it is another option to use and there are no fees to hold the contract.
Member Rainsberry made a motion to approve the Supplemental Distribution Maintenance agreement with MRES, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member Solberg stated he spoke with Jesse Schuh about a position with the city. Member Solberg stated Mr. Schuh was a little unsure of his future plans with his cattle business but would like a full-time position with the city. Member Vasichek stated he does not feel a full-time position is an option at this time.
Member Solberg stated he also feels the seasonal help, specifically the landfill attendant, should receive an increase in pay from $10/hr. to $12/hr.
Member R. Mattern made a motion to approve all seasonal part-time employees to receive $12/hr., seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member Hess stated he compiled an estimate for street striping of Main Street and the side streets. Member D. Mattern stated he would like to get a few more bid options on this topic by next meeting.
Auditor Vasichek stated the Nelson County Policing Service Contact is due and the rate has not changed and if approved the term will be for 3 years.
Member Rainsberry made a motion to re-new the Nelson County Police Service Contract to mature on December 31, 2023, seconded by Member Vasichek. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Supt. Herda stated he received word back from Blueline on the gutters and they will honor the price provided and install 3 tier snow guard.
Member Solberg made a motion to accept Blueline Gutter bid for the community center for $2,550, seconded by Member Vasichek. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Supt Herda’s report and is attached hereto.
Supt. Herda stated he would like to re-roof the wells and is estimating the cost for materials to be $1,121.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve the cost of materials as $1,121 to repair the roof at the city well sites, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve new brushes for the skid steer broom for $950, seconded by Member R. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Auditor Vasichek stated herself and Supt. Herda have discussed postponing the city-wide pick up at curbs until things with COVID-19 calm down. The council agreed. Mayor Russo stated he would still like the landfill to be open for free dumping for one week in the spring.
Supt. Herda questioned if Member Vasichek found information on Sourcewell for crack filling equipment. Member Vasichek stated he would recommend using the site to purchase material, not the equipment.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the purchase of a crack filling machine for $6,115, seconded by Member Rainsberry. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
No additional report provided.
No additional report provided.
Member Solberg questioned Auditor Vasichek about the status of the pool operating with COVID-19. Auditor Vasichek stated the park board is reviewing their options, but currently the pool project has not been bid due to issues to review the plans at the state level.
Member Hess asked if Supt. Herda would compile estimates to repair the roof at the city hall.
Auditor Vasichek was asked to find out the company who worked on the library roof during their project.
Member Rainsberry questioned if the city crew has enough PPE or supplies for COVID-19. Employee Burkland stated he has ordered some supplies but not much. Supt. Herda stated they will need more face masks if the virus would hit the community.
Member D. Mattern questioned if the furnace has been installed at the city shop. Supt. Herda stated it has not.
None given.
Mayor Russo stated he has been on numerous conference calls about COVID-19 and would like to urge the council and employees to show leadership by practicing social distancing.
Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.
Auditor Vasichek stated going forward, the city will be operating as normal with the procedures for past due utility accounts and will review all accounts on a case-by-case basis.
Auditor Vasichek stated the council should designate individuals to start the discussion with the school board for the community center lease renewal. Members Rainsberry and Vasichek volunteered to contact Mark Huso from the Lakota School Board.
Auditor Vasichek stated as far as she knows the city will still be receiving 100 trees for arbor day that were to be dispersed to the Lakota Elementary school. Auditor Vasichek stated she will try to find a way to disperse the trees unless the council has suggestions.
Some discussion was had about options for applying to the vibrancy grant with the state such as painting a mural.
Council reviewed the financial and utility reports.
Attorney Manbeck was not in attendance.
After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member D. Mattern to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Hess seconded the motion. Motion carried on roll call vote of 6-0.
Advanced Business Methods $ 289.00
At&t $ 68.22
BCBS $ 3,158.46
Border States $ 158.64
Cardmember $ 86.80
CHS – Lakota $ 250.00
CMS $ 138.74
Dakota Business Solutions $ 48.99
Dakota Implement $ 263.93
Dept. of Justice $ 447.60
Dept. of Environmental $ 68.84
East Dakota Steam Clean $ 850.59
EFTPS $ 1,853.45
EFTPS $ 1,834.11
Environmental Equipment $ 826.87
Farmers Union Oil $ 1,103.67
GF Utility Billing $ 41.00
GovOffice $ 570.00
H.E. Everson $ 177.54
Hawkins $ 644.35
Interstate Billing $ 953.82
Lakota American $ 861.27
Lakota Auto Truck & Tire $ 178.95
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 300.00
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 513.73
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 7,536.53
Lakota Sanitation Service $ 7,935.85
Manbeck Law $ 240.00
Menards $ 1,147.80
MRES $ 53,167.26
Moore Engineering $ 1,235.00
MMUA $ 600.00
Nationwide $ 507.50
NDPERS $ 2,256.03
NC Soil Conservation $ 100.00
Nelson County Sheriff $ 2,318.40
Nelson Electric $ 941.00
Neonlink $ 51.80
NILE $ 1,191.78
Nodak Electric $ 805.97
ND One Call $ 3.60
Ohnstad Electric $ 343.00
Polar $ 703.66
Quadient Leasing $ 203.07
Rysavy Plumbing $ 2,947.44
TEAM Laboratory $ 8,901.50
Transcript Publishing $ 350.00
US Bank $ 500.00
Vericheck $ 14.15
Verizon $ 320.41
City Salaries $ 10,805.59
City Salaries $ 11,167.75
TOTAL $ 187,130.03
Next regular meeting is scheduled for May 4th, 2020 at 6pm.
Member R. Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Vasichek.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Jeff Russo, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor