October 5, 2020 Regular Meeting
The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting October 5th, 2020, at the City Hall. Mayor Hooey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All Council Members were present, except for Member Rainsberry who was absent. City employee Matt Herda and Engineer Brad Muscha were in attendance. Audience member was Tom Hendrickson.
Mayor Hooey recognized Tom Hendrickson. Mr. Hendrickson stated he was in attendance to ask why during clean up week his items on the west end of town were not picked up at his property. Mr. Hendrickson stated the city has assessed it as usable property with the street project and should be included in the clean up week. Mayor Hooey questioned the council as to why the west end of town was assessed in the street project. Supt. Herda stated he also owns property in that area that he will most likely turn back to the county because the assessment is higher than the property value. Engineer Muscha stated the assessment committee used the old assessment map as a template for the project assessment. Member Solberg stated it is unfortunate the property was part of the assessment and explained he also owned undeveloped property like this that was assessed in a previous project, so he knows how the property owners feel. Member Hess stated the city council cannot change the assessment as it is certified to the county.
Mayor Hooey stated there is really nothing the city can do at this point and apologized to the property owners.
Mr. Hendrickson questioned if the property owners with the paved alley were assessed for it in the project. Member Hess stated it was a mistake on the contractor and the city was not billed for that.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve the minutes of September 8th, 2020 regular meeting and September 17th, 2020 Special meeting seconded by Member Hess. All voting in favor. Motion carried.
Engineer Muscha stated he does have the final payment to Knife River ready for review and approval that includes the deductions as previously discussed. Final payment due is $129,304.74. Engineer Muscha stated the BND would need to know if the project is final or if there are any additional items to add to the loan. The city council stated they will review that and coordinate with BND if there are any additions.
Member Hess made a motion to approve the final payment to Knife River Materials for the street improvement project of $129,304.74, seconded by Member Vasichek. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Hendrickson left the meeting at 6:22pm.
Engineer Muscha stated the final total project cost was $3.777 million.
Member Hess made a motion to approve Change Order #6 reducing the Knife River Materials contract by $76,156.27, seconded by Member D. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve BND loan funds request of $120,648.32 for the street improvement project, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Engineer Muscha thanked the council for their time and working with Moore Engineering for their project.
Engineer Muscha left the meeting at 6:34pm
Member Solberg stated he has reached out to both Randy Karas and Rick Schmidt about the golf course manager position. Member Solberg stated he has received Mr. Karas application, but is still waiting on Mr. Schmidt’s, but both parties are interested.
Member Vasichek made a motion to hire Randy Karas as the ground’s manager at the golf course for year 2021 with a salary of $18,000, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Auditor Vasichek provided the Water Transmission Line Preliminary Engineer Report (PER) to the council for review. Auditor Vasichek stated the PER and CDBG application for emergency funding has already been submitted. Auditor Vasichek reviewed the CDBG application with the council. Auditor Vasichek reviewed the current water rates and the proposed water rates to pay for the upcoming emergency water transmission line project. Auditor Vasichek and Engineer Glienke recommended proposal #4 to show in the funding packages that Lakota is willing to take on additional debt with the upcoming project.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve a water rate increase effective January 1st, 2021 of $2/meter charge and $.25/per 1,000 gallons used for each customer account, seconded by Member R. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member Rainsberry issued a letter to resign his seat on the council. Mayor Hooey declared a vacancy on the council and requested 15 days to be exhausted before appointing the replacement.
Mayor Hooey stated he is interested in offering the position to Dennis Fahey. Mayor Hooey stated he was interested in Josh Nelson for the position but would rather put him on a retainer of some kind for electrical assistance or opinions.
Supt. Herda provided his report of the crew activities to the council and is attached with the minutes.
Auditor Vasichek stated Ed Schoenherr requested if the city would pick up a cut down stump on his property when convenient. Supt. Herda agreed.
Member Solberg stated he has been communicating with the UCC Church on the potential tear down of the church by the high school and they are wondering if the city would waive the landfill charge. Member D. Mattern did not agree with waiving the entire fee. Member Vasichek suggested waiving half of the fee and waiving the entire fee if the demolition crew would place the concrete as riprap for the landfill road.
Member Solberg made a motion to reduce the landfill fee to $500 for the demolition of the UCC building and to waive the fee entirely if the concrete was placed as rip rap on the landfill road, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Hooey stated he would like to look into a concrete drain to be placed by Jon Varnson’ s property as drainage is an ongoing issue.
Supt Herda stated he will be placing Ave signs along Hwy 1 for the city.
Member Hess questioned the status of the pool concrete on the north side. Mayor Hooey stated he believes the expense will be more than what the council agreed to pay so he would like the city crew to grade it appropriately until a better estimate can be completed for the work.
No additional report provided.
Sheriff not in attendance.
Mayor Hooey questioned Member Hess on what he would like to do city wide with the COVID-19 pandemic since he is the one on the Health Committee. Member Solberg stated he would like to see the council to encourage all to start wearing facemasks in public. Auditor Vasichek started she will ramp up facemask advertising.
Member D. Mattern stated he would like the city to speak with Tim Gasser about his stump grinder sitting on the street. Member D. Mattern stated Mr. Gasser is putting the saw blade on the street when parked and it is sinking into the new street. Supt. Herda stated he will speak with Gasser.
None given.
Mayor Hooey stated he believes engineers tend to increase the price on project unnecessarily and he would like to look into the transmission line project with contractors he knows.
Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.
Auditor Vasichek stated she visited with Attorney Manbeck and he is not going to be back in Lakota anytime soon. Attorney Manbeck stated to Auditor Vasichek that he would not have any hard feelings if the city would like to pursue other attorney options.
After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member D. Mattern to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Hess seconded the motion. Motion carried on roll call vote of 5-0.
Advanced Business Methods $ 289.00
Aflac $ 428.26
Agcom Credit $ 169.03
Ameripride Services $ 54.86
Anderson, Debby $ 25.00
Associated Pool Builders $ 121,050.00
At&t $ 11.70
BCBS $ 4,707.37
Blue Tarp Financial $ 74.68
Bolton & Menk $ 17,419.50
Border States $ 4,935.52
Cardmember $ 114.31
CMS $ 141.98
Cole Papers $ 529.00
Dakota Implement $ 24.49
Dakota Supply $ 2,333.08
Dept. of Justice $ 447.60
Dept of Environmental $ 352.18
Don Dvorak Gravel $ 1,725.30
EFTPS $ 2,378.94
EFTPS $ 2,586.30
Farmers Union Oil $ 1,424.89
Ferguson Waterworks $ 2,302.32
Garden Hut GF $ 185.40
GF Utility Billing $ 298.00
Gregory, Jason $ 250.00
Lakota American $ 274.37
Lakota Farm Service $ 33.00
Lakota Hardware $ 738.25
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 300.00
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 367.90
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 3,890.73
Lakota Sanitation Service $ 8,330.18
Mailfinance $ 600.00
Menards $ 106.39
MARC $ 2,759.52
MRES $ 35,608.72
Nelson County Sheriff $ 2,318.40
Nelson Electrical $ 350.00
Neon Link $ 164.60
Nile, Inc $ 1,681.21
Nodak Electric $ 1,583.21
ND One Call $ 10.80
ND Telephone $ 60.16
North-Holt Electric $ 5,349.00
Office of State Tax $ 335.18
Olson, Keith $ 25.00
Polar $ 688.91
Pro Turf Systems $ 3,980.00
Quill $ 205.15
Riely, Candace $ 25.00
Rainsberry, Ashley & Kris $ 240.27
Strata Corporation $ 2,347.50
Structural Materials $ 580.24
Sateren, Roger $ 244.71
Tri-County Water $ 10,610.00
US Dept of Energy $ 5,000.00
United Laboratories $ 795.05
Verizon $ 305.32
Williams, Rebecka $ 100.00
City Salaries $ 13,882.35
City Salaries $ 16,033.77
TOTAL $ 284,183.60
Next regular meeting is scheduled for November 2nd, 2020 at 6pm.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Vasichek.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Brad Hooey, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor