November 2, 2020 Regular Meeting

The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting November 2nd, 2020, at the City Hall. Mayor Hooey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All Council Members were present.  City employee Matt Herda and Engineer Barry Glienke were in attendance. Audience member were Nancy Skogen, Kara Koski, Karen Olson, Jeff Becthold, Jayme Tenneson, Dennis Fahey, and Randy Karas.

Mayor Hooey recognized Jeff Becthold.

Mr. Becthold from MRES was in attendance to provide the findings of the electrical infrastructure assessment.  Mr. Becthold gave a detailed review of items that need immediate improvement consisting of expanding the fence around the substation in town, change out some damaged electrical poles, install warning labels, and other items.

Engineer Barry Glienke entered the meeting at 6:26pm

Mayor Hooey questioned the qualifications required to work on the electrical system.  Mr. Becthold stated all working on electrical work should be a certified journeyman lineman.  Supt. Herda stated he only works on secondary wiring while using safety gear and only if he feels comfortable on each job.  Mr. Becthold stated changing out meters can be a safety issue for someone without the proper training and would recommend installing a lever bypass.  Supt. Herda stated on all new electrical installs he requires installing a lever bypass.

Mr. Becthold thanked the council for their time and offered to answer any questions if needed.

Mr. Becthold left the meeting at 6:42pm.

Mayor Hooey recognized Karen Olson.

Ms. Olson was in attendance to provide an updated quote for water meters.  Ms. Olson stated she did not include an install with the estimate.  Auditor Vasichek stated she would like to pursue what it would cost for Ferguson Waterworks to install.  Ms. Olson stated she will provide that information soon. 

Ms. Olson’s total quote for improvements to the water meters is $97,728.36.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve Ferguson Waterworks quote for upgrades to all water meters of $97,728.36, seconded by Member Hess.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.

Ms. Olson left the meeting at 6:45pm.

Mayor Hooey recognized Barry Glienke.

Engineer Glienke provided a review and update on the water transmission line install project.  Engineer Glienke stated he intends to have soil borings completed by the end of the month and have bidding conducted by Thanksgiving.  Engineer Glienke stated he would like to have bid opening and awards by December 15th as we should know what the outcomes for funding would be.  Engineer Glienke stated he would like to have substantial completion date of end of January or an option to have it done by July to see what if it would be economically feasible. 

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve a Resolution of Governing Body of applicant for ND Dept. of Environmental Quality Loan for the water transmission line project, seconded by Member Solberg.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve advertising of the water transmission line project, seconded by Member Hess.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried. 

Engineer Glienke stated all the environmental reviews that have come in have come in with no issues.



Mayor Hooey stated he would like to appoint Dennis Fahey to the unexpired council position vacated by Kris Rainsberry. 

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the appointment of the vacated council member position of Dennis Fahey, seconded by Member Solberg.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Member Hooey stated he would like to appoint Jayme Tenneson as the city attorney.

Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the appointment of Jayme Tenneson as the city attorney, seconded by Member Solberg.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Auditor Vasichek provided Tenneson and Fahey with their oath of offices.

Mayor Hooey stated he would like to place Dennis Fahey as the new Personnel Committee member for the council.  The council agreed.


Auditor Vasichek stated the Lakota EDC held a meeting and voted to recommend using Sales Tax Economic Development funds towards the purchase of 8 shopping carts for the Lakota Cenex to be used for grocery purchases. 

Member Vasichek made a motion to use $1,056.40 of Sales Tax Economic Development funds towards the purchase of 8 shopping carts for Lakota Cenex, seconded by Member Solberg.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Mayor Hooey recognized Nancy Skogen and Kara Koski.

Mrs. Skogen stated they were in attendance with concern for the pool not being winterized on time by the city crew and what effect this will be on the pool project.  Supt. Herda stated he reached out to Kevin Rysavy a week prior to Auditor Vasichek asking for it to be winterized, however the request was not completed until the following week.  Mrs. Skogen stated Kevin Rysavy told her that he was contacted that Monday to winterize the building.  Supt. Herda stated he actually spoke to Travis Rysavy the week prior. Supt. Herda stated the city crew has been to the bathhouses to heat the lines up and he believes air has moved through the lines indicating no damage.

Mrs. Koski questioned the tear on the bottom of the pool liner and when it was reported to the city.  Supt. Herda stated the contractor mentioned the tear to him during their last visit.  Supt. Herda stated he was under the impression that the contractor would communicate this discovery to the city office.

Auditor Vasichek questioned what is to happen to the north side area that was to be graded before winter.  Mayor Hooey stated he does not believe there will be time this year to handle this and suggested first thing in the spring.  Mrs. Koski stated she would look into the price of sod as she is concerned with mud coming into the pool with the potential to not have grass grown before pool opening.

Member Vasichek questioned if there will be a grand opening to acknowledge all the donors.  Mrs. Skogen stated the park board will be planning for a grand opening.

Mayor Hooey stated he would suggest to the city crew to conduct hydrant flushing prior to filling the pool to help resolve rusty water.

Mayor Hooey recognized Randy Karas.

Mr. Karas stated he wanted to come to the council to acknowledge his acceptance of the groundskeeper position at the golf course.  Mr. Karas stated he has projects for next year and will meet with Supt. Herda to get materials.  Mr. Karas stated there is a need for a different rough mower as the current one needs repair, and it would be very costly.  Mr. Karas stated the golf course is ready for winter.

Auditor Vasichek stated the city has been awarded a tree planting grant for the golf course and she would like to meet with Mr. Karas sometime to plan where he would like additional trees placed.



Supt. Herda provided his report of the crew activities to the council and is attached with the minutes.

Member Hess questioned when the crew will put up the correct handicap parking signs.  Supt. Herda stated he was unaware new ones were required but would do that right away.  Auditor Vasichek stated she had purchased the correct signs awhile back and provided them to the crew.

Member Solberg stated there are a few gate valves that are high in the street and will need to be lowered.  Supt. Herda stated he would like to purchase a new jack hammer as the one the city has is no longer functioning.  Supt. Herda stated Acme tools has jackhammers he could get prices for.  Auditor Vasichek suggested looking at Lakota Hardware for the purchase to keep funds local.

Member R. Mattern made a motion to approve allowing up to $1,000 for the purchase of a jackhammer, seconded by Member Solberg.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor.  Motion carried.

Member Solberg stated he wanted to clarify with the council that the city crew can conduct small maintenance on electrical work in town based on their level of comfort.  Member Fahey suggested having the crew take as much safety training available for electrical work.  Attorney Tenneson stated he believes there is a liability concern for the crew working on electrical items without proper training.

Member Vasichek stated he would like Supt. Herda to research cross training and have the entire crew participate in safety training frequently.

Mayor Hooey stated the city crew pulled an electric meter recently for lack of payment and it was discovered the meter socket was broke.  Mayor Hooey stated there is some confusion if it was broken or if the city was responsible, but Mayor Hooey wanted to know who is financially responsible for a meter socket.  Auditor Vasichek stated historically, the city pays for the meter socket and the resident pays for the installation of it.  Auditor Vasichek stated in cases where it is a unique meter or multi-meter complex, the customer has paid for it entirely.  Member Solberg stated in the case Mayor Hooey is referring to, he suggested having the city pay for the replacement and move on.  Member Vasichek agreed and said the city was involved so the city should pay it.

Member Hess questioned the results of the water certification for Supt. Herda.  Supt. Herda stated he did pass the distribution portion, but the treatment portion he will need to retake.  Supt. Herda stated he can sign up for testing in December.



No additional report provided.


Sheriff not in attendance.


Member Hess stated he has been getting requests to have the community center open again for walkers.  Member Hess stated it is a “community” center, so the residents do have a right to access it.  Member Hess stated he spoke with Auditor Vasichek on this and she suggested having morning hours available for walkers and that would allow time for the janitor to properly clean the facility before the school needs it for sporting events.  Member Vasichek and Member Solberg stated they will attend the next school board meeting to discuss this option with them.  There was discussion on a fogger system to assist cleaning the facility that the city will explore.


None given.


Mayor Hooey questioned if anything was resolved with Knife River on paying for bulk water their striping crew used.  Supt. Herda stated he has not been able to determine how much water was used.  Supt. Herda suggested 75,000 gallons.  Auditor Vasichek was instructed to bill $400 to Knife River Materials for bulk water sales.  Attorney Tenneson was asked to write a letter to Knife River to send with the bill.



Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.

Auditor Vasichek stated she applied for funding and the city should receive a little over $7,000 for COVID expenses including payroll from Emergency Commission and Budget Section.  Auditor Vasichek stated she will not be holding a holiday open house this year.  Auditor Vasichek reviewed the recent housing study for the county and asked if the council knows of any contractors to have them contact her for an application to be notified of upcoming projects.  Auditor Vasichek encouraged all to set examples for masking up when in public.

Auditor Vasichek requested adding Council President Bill Solberg to the signature cards at the State Bank of Lakota.

Member R. Mattern made a motion to approve adding Bill Solberg as a signing to the accounts at State Bank of Lakota, seconded by Member Hess.  On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor, except Member Solberg who abstained.  Motion carried.


After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Vasichek to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member Hess seconded the motion. Motion carried on roll call vote of 5-0.

Acme Tools                                                     $           59.78

Advanced Business Methods                             $          459.69

Agcom Credit                                                   $            12.82

Associated Pool Builders                                  $     67,140.00

BCBS                                                               $        4,707.37

Border States                                                    $        2,328.47

Cardmember                                                    $           332.78

CMS                                                                $             97.40

Dept. of Justice                                                $           447.60

EFTPS                                                              $        2,009.61

EFTPS                                                              $        1,596.82

Environmental Equipment                                 $          207.97

Farmers Union Oil                                            $          395.34

Farm Equipment Assembly                               $          250.00

GF Utility Billing                                              $            44.00

Interstate Billing                                               $           527.40

Job Service ND                                                $        1,155.22

Lake Region Pest Control                                 $           355.00

Lakota Auto Truck & Tire                                 $           351.95

Lakota Golf Club                                              $        1,238.79

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            300.00

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $            365.71

Lakota Municipal Utilities                                $        4,555.27

Lakota Sanitation Service                                 $        8,282.87

Manbeck Law Office                                        $           480.00

MRES                                                              $      30,949.38

MMUA                                                            $           600.00

Nationwide Retirement                                     $           217.50

NDPERS                                                          $        2,968.86

Nelson County Sheriff                                      $        2,318.40

Nelson County Water                                       $        2,700.00

Neon Link                                                        $             53.80

Nile, Inc                                                           $           311.66

Nodak Electric                                                 $         1,072.16

ND One Call                                                    $               7.20

ND Telephone                                                  $              60.24

Polar                                                                $            701.50

Pomp’s Tire                                                     $            764.00

Pro Turf Systems                                              $         3,845.00

QTPOD                                                            $             480.00

Quadient Leasing                                             $            203.07

Quill                                                                $              23.15

Schrupp, Stanley                                              $              25.00

Strata Corp.                                                      $            805.25

TEAM Lab                                                       $          1,249.00

Ternquist, Lori                                                 $            250.00

Tri-County Water                                             $         9,860.00

Vericheck                                                        $             17.00

Verizon                                                            $           424.91

City Salaries                                                     $      12,227.27

City Salaries                                                     $      10,150.55

            TOTAL                                                            $    179,986.76

Next regular meeting is scheduled for December 7th, 2020 at 6pm. 

Member Hess asked about the roofing project for city hall.  Supt. Herda stated he was told we were next on the list.

Member Vasichek made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member Hess.

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.


            APPROVED BY:                                             SUBMITTED BY:



Brad Hooey, Mayor                                          Amie Vasichek, Auditor