September 13, 2021 Regular Meeting
The Lakota City Council held its regular meeting September 13th, 2021, at the City Hall. Mayor Brad Hooey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All Council Members were present, except for Member Fahey who was absent. Barry Glienke and Sheriff Keith Olson were the audience members. City Attorney Jayme Tenneson, City Auditor Amie Vasichek and City Superintendent Josh Ulland were also in attendance.
The council and audience stood and conducted the pledge of allegiance.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve the August 2nd, 2021, regular council meeting minutes seconded by Member Hess. Motion carried.
Sheriff Olson stated he had about 222 calls in August.
Mayor Hooey stated he has seen very little use of the stop sign by his residence.
Sheriff Olson left the meeting at 6:05pm.
Mayor Hooey stated he would like to leave the property owners alone when it comes to vehicles in their yards. Mayor Hooey stated if the property owner keeps up the yard and trims around the vehicles the city shouldn’t have an issue with it. No action taken.
Mayor Hooey recognized Barry Glienke.
Mr. Glienke stated he is now employed with Apex Engineering and would like to continue engineering consulting for the city of Lakota.
Attorney Tenneson entered the meeting at 6:12pm.
The council discussed the relationship the city has had with Engineer Glienke but wanted to wait until the entire council was present to discuss.
Mayor Hooey stated he would like to offer to Linda Atherton for the city crew to remove a dangerous structure from her property if she agrees to pay the city for the labor/machinery. The council had no issue with the proposal and asked the mayor to reach out to Mrs. Atherton to arrange.
Mayor Hooey stated the sidewalk issue in front of Gen Strand’s is really the property owner’s responsibility but thought it would be a good gesture for the city and the school district to each pay a 1/3 of the expense to correct it. Supt. Ulland was to get estimates for the sidewalk work and Mayor Hooey was going to speak with the School District about sharing the expense with Mrs. Strand and the city.
Attorney Tenneson stated he is checking into a housing fund for the city and the city is unable to raise the sales tax percentage without a vote of the people.
Member Vasichek entered the meeting at 6:43pm.
Mayor Hooey brought up the option to have Barry Glienke and Apex Engineering to become the city’s engineer. Member Vasichek suggested waiting until after the water transmission line project is complete to switch engineer firms. The council agreed.
Member Hess made a motion to pay the final pay estimate to Wagner Construction of $50,205, seconded by Member Vasichek. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
The council had lengthy discussion on a potential property development in the city. It was suggested to communicate with the Red River Regional Council on the planning to do something like this. Discussion tabled.
Attorney Tenneson reviewed the release on projects agreement between the city of Lakota and Caldwell Tanks. Attorney Tenneson recommended agreeing to the terms as written and approving final payment of $38,536.67.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve the Release on Projects agreement with Caldwell Tanks and approve the final pay estimate of $38,536.67, seconded by Member Hess. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Member Hess a made a motion to approve the 2022 Final Budget as presented, seconded by Member R. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Hooey suggested to look into purchasing a Vactron for the city crew. Member Vasichek recommended also to look into a lease to won option or finance program. Mayor Hooey estimated the expense to buy new would be $50,000.
Member Vasichek made a motion to approve a special event permit for Tiki Shack on October 23, 2021, seconded by Member Hess. All members voting in favor, motion carried.
Supt. Ulland provided a list of work that was completed the previous month.
Mayor Hooey stated the city pole barn needs the roof fixed. Mayor Hooey suggested having Supt. Ulland come up with estimates for fixing it.
Supt. Ulland stated he has estimated $3,000 in material costs to enclose the Northwest corner of the city shop and fix the roof on it with the city crew completing the labor.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to approve up to $3,500 for material to enclose the city shop building on the Northwest corner and fix the roof, seconded by Member R. Mattern. On a roll call vote, all members voting in favor. Motion carried.
Supt. Ulland stated he would like to get the new city property that was given by Dean Beck surveyed to understand exactly what the city owns. Supt. Ulland stated the structure has been disposed of.
No additional report provided.
No additional report provided.
Member Vasichek stated he attended the Nelson County Town Hall meeting, and he was very happy to report the population of the county has remained somewhat stable and it is up to all of us to try to retain what we currently have.
Member Solberg stated he would like to see street patching and fix the gaps on the valley gutters or possibly replace some each year.
Member D. Mattern asked to have the speed bumps move more to the North by the elementary school as to not impede on the residents parking across the street.
Member Hess reminded the city crew to sweep streets soon with the fall weather and leaf’s dropping.
Member Hess questioned if the city council should establish a working group for the housing project in the town. Member Vasichek recommended contacting the Regional Council on this.
No report given.
Mayor Hooey stated he would like to city crew to sweep up the chips in front of the Wheeler house that had concrete recently poured.
Member D. Mattern questioned if David Matejcek will be pouring an apron by his new driveway for his business as he is concerned for snow removal. Member Solberg stated Tom Benson is to grade the area.
Auditor Vasichek’ s written report was provided and attached with minutes.
Auditor Vasichek stated the community center janitors have noticed the locks being tampered with and additional usage of the facility and issues with intentionally clogging of the sewer lines. Auditor Vasichek suggested installing a few indoor cameras pointing at access points of the facility to hopefully deter unnecessary usage.
Member Hess made a motion to approve the purchase 3 indoor cameras for the community center, seconded by Member Vasichek. All voting in favor. Motion carried.
Auditor Vasichek stated it was suggested to upgrade our city website. Member Vasichek suggested requesting funding from the Nelson County JDA to help all Nelson County cities upgrade or start a website.
The council reviewed the financial and utility reports provided.
Attorney Tenneson stated he would like to change the location of Cruise Night to the community center parking lot next season.
After review of the bills and vouchers, a motion was made by Member Hess to pay all the bills presented for payment and those bills paid prior to the meeting. Member R. Mattern seconded the motion. Motion carried on roll call vote of 5-0.
Advanced Business Methods $ 289.00
Aramark $ 81.80
BCBS $ 6,078.28
Bolton & Menk $ 3,600.00
Border States $ 109.21
Cardmember Services $ 1,796.60
CBA $ 6,827.80
Dept of Environmental $ 336.28
EFTPS $ 2,751.73
EFTPS $ 3,153.63
EFTPS $ 2,604.85
Farmers Union Oil $ 2,166.37
Ferguson Waterworks $ 890.16
GF Utility $ 88.00
Hawkins $ 1,034.45
Herda, Barb $ 25.00
Helgeson, Maria $ 175.38
Karas, Randy $ 215.04
Krabbenhoft $ 114.98
Lake Region Pest $ 435.00
Lakota American $ 342.60
Lakota Auto $ 123.08
Lakota Hardware $ 1,916.16
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 290.00
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 425.92
Lakota Municipal Utilities $ 7,355.68
Lakota Sanitation Service $ 8,329.85
Lakota American Legion $ 2,000.00
Mailfinance $ 600.00
McLean, Gary $ 25.00
Menards $ 511.25
MARC $ 1,898.00
Miller Repair $ 900.48
MRES $ 75,864.05
Mitzi Martens $ 31.81
Naastad Brothers $ 39,867.60
Nelson County $ 20.00
Nelson County Recorder $ 20.00
Nelson County Sheriff $ 2,318.40
Nelson Electrical $ 1,455.99
Neonlink $ 89.60
Nile $ 311.68
Nodak $ 3,383.06
ND One Call $ 15.70
ND Telephone $ 121.70
North-Holt $ 6,017.00
Office of State Auditor $ 360.00
Polar $ 681.98
Pomp’s Tire $ 6,043.10
Pro Turf Systems $ 3,965.00
Quill $ 266.75
Rysavy Plumbing $ 512.74
Samuelson Welding $ 298.50
ND Dept of Human Services $ 460.00
Strand, Genevive $ 250.00
Tri-County Water District $ 3,750.00
Tronson Grain $ 159.68
Ulland, Josh $ 149.99
US Bank $ 13,056.25
USABluebook $ 342.86
USDA $ 23,446.00
Verizon Wireless $ 465.68
Waldo, Madison $ 117.17
City Salaries $ 15,986.03
City Salaries $ 14,806.85
TOTAL $ 272,126.75
Next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday October 4th, 2021, at 6pm.
Member D. Mattern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Member R. Mattern.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Brad Hooey, Mayor Amie Vasichek, Auditor