
Lakota Ambulance

            Lakota has a volunteer ambulance service that has been in operation for over 40 years providing emergency medical services to the community and surrounding areas.  The ambulance is staffed with EMT's and equipment ready to handle everything from delivering babies to medical and trauma cases, and they also have a Quick Response Unit that can be utilized whenever there is a need for more people on scene, or taken to a call when the ambulance is out of town on a transfer to stabilize the patient until another unit can respond.  The full time service currently has one full time EMT-Intermediate/Squad Manager who is being paid largely in thanks to a grant from the ND Department of Health and supplemented with local ambulance funds, one EMT-Intermediate, 5 EMT-Basics, 5 First Responders here in Lakota and 2 located in Brocket, and 4 Drivers.  Like every small service we are always in need of more volunteers and anyone wishing to give some of their time should call Doris Karas at 247-2672 or leave a message at 247-2312.


             The service sponsors courses in CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation), Basic First Aid, First Responder, EMT Refresher courses and continuing education courses needed for the volunteer to recertify and keep current.  The service does presentations at the school in both the high school and elementary school on occasion.  Training is an important part of our job in order to keep ready for whatever emergency comes up. 

             Money to fund the service comes from the approximately 100 runs per year and generous donations from the community in the form of donations, memorials and our annual fund raising letter.  With this money we pay bills, purchase new equipment and when needed,  purchase a new ambulance.  Patients are generally taken to Mercy Hospital in Devils Lake (25 miles away), Nelson County Health Center in McVille (25 miles away), or Altru Hospital in Grand Forks (60 miles away).  If more advanced medical care is needed en route, agreements have been made with Lake Region Ambulance Paramedic units  or Altru Paramedic units to meet us enroute and provide advanced care to our patients.

             A recently organized Lakota Area Ambulance District will raise some funds and make grant qualifications easier.  This District can tax up to a maximum of 5 mils in the District which includes parts of Nelson, Ramsey & Walsh counties and covers approximately 350 square miles.

             The service is fortunate to have willing volunteers, employers willing to let employees be on call during work, and a community willing to help fund this very important service in our community.  Anyone interested in becoming a memeber of the Lakota Ambulance and giving back to their community is encouraged to contact a current member and visit with them about this rewarding experience.



(701) 247-2312


PO Box 338 102 Main Street North LakotaND  58344