Chapter 19 - Municipal Park Board



 Article 1   Formation

19.0101   The City Council of the City of Lakota, North Dakota, has received and considered a report as to the general nature, purpose and need of a Park District for the City of Lakota.  It appears that it would be in the best interest of the City to create such a district.

19.0102   Under authority of chapter 40-49 of the North Dakota Century Code as amended, be it ordained that the City of Lakota does hereby create a Park District to be known as the City of Lakota Park District.

Article 2   Scope

19.0201   Be it further ordained that the territory of said Park District shall comprise the entire corporate limits of the City of Lakota.  That thereto by law and that the members of the Board of Park Commissioners shall be elected by the qualified electors of the City of Lakota at the next regular city election, April 2, 1974.  That the organization of the Park District shall be deemed complete upon the qualification of the commissioners thereof as provided by law.

19.0202   All prior ordinances and amendments thereto pertaining to any of the activity to be exercised by the Park District are hereby repealed.