Lakota Messaging System
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Snow Removal Policy
With a normal snow fall (1" to 6", with little winds) it will take approximately 6 to 8 hours, to completely open all streets in the city.
- With a heavier snow fall (4" and up, with heavy winds) it will take approximately 10 to 12 hours, to have all streets opened completely. It could take up to 48 hours to have all clean up done.
- Snow removal will start as soon as possible, as determined by the Public Works Department. Work can start at any time of the day or night, and will continue until completed. Snow removal will not start until the storm is winding down or when the State or County has no travel posted. The Public Works Department is on call when snow removal equipment is needed in an emergency.
- As soon as all streets are cleared, the sand trucks will start sanding the main street intersections as needed.
Procedure Manual
The policy statement covers most snow removal operations, keep in mind that there may be cases where excessive amounts of snow may already be on the ground, severely complicating plowing operations. If this is the case, snow removal may take longer than average, also there may be isolated areas that may take considerably longer to clear. This is an approximation, as far as timing is concerned with clearing the streets. As with any mechanical equipment, breakdowns can and do occur and may delay the time snow removal operations take. The weather in this part of the country can be hard to forecast so snow removal on weekends and holidays may take longer than normal.
Priorities of snow removal are a plow truck and a pay loader starting at the same time. In the event that a snow storm is severe enough, that the plows can't keep the emergency routs opened, the Public Works Department may determine to pull the plows until it lets up. If the county or state has closed roads and/or pulls their snow removal equipment in our area, The City of Lakota Snow Removal Employees will also be pulled. The information will be passed on to the public, though local radio stations and the website.
Priorities as follows:
The first roads to be opened up will be the Snow Emergency Routes as follows: Main Street, 2nd Street East & E Avenue
Once the Emergency routs are open the following will be done: Avenues, Streets, Fire Hall & Airport
Equipment: City truck- All City Streets & Avenues, Airport & Community Center. Payloader- Main Street, Alleys, Parking Lots, Intersections & Clean up. Skid Loader- Used by School, Main Street Sidewalks, Alleys, Intersections & Clean up.
Clearing Sidewalks
The City of Lakota requires that owners and occupants of properties that have a sidewalk/ walking path must clear the sidewalk of snow and ice, and shall after every snow from the sidewalk within 24 hors. Violators may be cited or the City of Lakota may clear the sidewalks at the property owner's expense.
A reminder that if streets have been cleaned please refrain from blowing, shoveling or pushing snow into the streets.
Winter Parking Rules
3.0217. PARKING LIMITS. During the period of time it takes to remove the snow parking ordinances are suspended and it will be illegal for any vehicle to be parked on a street in which snow removal operations are taking place.
EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance supersedes any ordinance or part thereof that is inconsistent herewith and shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon publication.
Public Works Procedures
The equipment used for snow removal shall be ready for operation no later than 25 Oct. each year. To accomplish this Public Works personnel will have to inventory parts needed for equipment around 1 Aug, each year. Equipment to be prepared for use are sander mounted on truck, snow plows installed on all snow plowing trucks, maintenance that is needed, is performed on all equipment, all lights and safety items are check, and all cutting edges are of good service.
Emergency Numbers: Shop 701-247-2561, Norris 701-247-3289, Kim 701-247-3286, Travis 701-247-3287 and Jesse 701-247-3458.